Undo Control

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Undo Control

All changes to the SynthEyes scene must be made inside a Begin/Accept undo block, so that the change can be undone or redone, in any order intermixed with user-initiated operations. Changes to SynObj attributes (.Set, .SetF) must be inside a Begin/Accept pair. Changes to the SynthEyes user interface that are not undoable should not be inside a Begin/Accept, for example, changes to the current frame number or the viewport configuration. Operations that simulate a user interface action, such as clicking a button, should not be inside a Begin/Accept because they will already have their own undo support.

See the Special Shot Routines if you are making changes that affects shots and the RAM cache.

Begin() Begin an Undo block and lock SynthEyes UI. Use BeginShotChanges if a shot or image preprocessor will be modified. May not be nested, use InUndo() to tell if needed.

Accept(titl) Complete an Undo block, giving it this title. Unlock and redraw.

Continue(titl) Lock and reenter an existing Accept block of this name, or start a new Undo block if the last one isn't the same name.

Cancel() Cancel and unroll everything done in this undo block.

Unlock and redraw.

InUndo() Returns non-zero if in an existing Begin/Accept undo block

HasChanged() Returns 1 if the scene has unsaved changes

ClearChanged() Clears the scene-changed flag

FlushUndo() Flush the undo system, nothing will be undoable or redoable.

Undo() Undo the last begin/accept block, ie Edit/Undo. Includes ReloadAll and Redraw

Redo() Redo the next undone begin/accept block, ie Edit/Redo.

Includes ReloadAll and Redraw

UndoCount() Number of undoable operations

RedoCount() Number of redoable operations

TopUndoName() The name of the top undo block, shown as Edit/Undo ...

TopRedoName() The name of the next redo block, shown as Edit/Redo ...

Lock() Lock SynthEyes to group multiple operations together.

Included in Begin, so Lock shouldn't normally have to be used directly.

Unlock() Unlock the user interface. Included in Accept, and Cancel.

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