Known XYZs

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Known XYZs

SynthEyes lens calibration can operate from supplied XYZ coordinates for a collection of trackers. This might be useful if you have lidar or other 3D scan information for a scene, and a calibration image from it, such that you have matching XYZ data for each tracker in the image. This can be used for self-calibration, as described below.

There are two cases:

1. All the Z coordinates are zero, ie the points are coplanar. You can use this if you have a flat calibration pattern with an irregular pattern of coordinates that you know.

2. One or more Z coordinates are nonzero, in which case the XYZ coordinates must form a full three-dimensional cloud of points.

For this technique, for each tracker and XYZ pair, set up the XYZ coordinates as the lock coordinates for the tracker, and set its lock mode to Lock Point. Typically you'll want to have some script or other automation method do this for a significant number of points, perhaps several hundred.


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