Workflow Suggestions

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Workflow Suggestions

If you need auto-masking on a shot, try it with the default parameters. If you find that you need to adjust the parameters, usually you will still have a number of frames tracked that include at least some of the occluding object.

You can use those frames to experiment with the auto-mask parameters. Once you've determined satisfactory settings, you can go back and rerun the track with those parameters.

To experiment with the settings, it's easiest to go to a frame that is already successfully tracked, but where the occluding object is already occluding the planar tracker. Set a key on that frame by double-clicking the tracker rectangle. That will prevent the tracker from moving as you experiment with the settings.

You can now adjust the auto-mask settings, examining their effect in the tracker mini-view to see if the auto-mask is as required.

Once you've found appropriate settings, shift-right-click the tracker rectangle to remove the key, back up before the occluding object appears, and proceed with tracking.

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