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Lights have two different colors: a static value that is not animated, and optionally a potentially-animated version, typically extracted from tracker average
color data. To maximize compatibility with existing scripts, the animated data is kept largely separate from the static information. The animated data is associated with a particular camera, so that it can be time-shifted if that shot/camera changes. So the static data is also useful for other cameras.
.blue 0..1 blue component of its static color.
.ClearIllumination() Clear illumination data from the light, so that only the static color is used.
.color Static color of the light. Defaults to RGB(255,255,255), ie 2**24 - 1.
.green 0..1 green component of its static color
.illumination RGB vector of the possibly-animated illuminating color of the light, if it has been set up (animatable).
.illumB Possibly-animated 0..1 blue component of the light, GenKey. When setting, set one of
.illumCam/Shot also.
.illumCam Camera (shot) associated with this illumination data, should be set whenever illumination is, in case the shot is time-shifted.
.illumColor The illumination value as a 24-bit integer color (instead of a vector).
.illumG Possibly-animated 0..1 green component of the light, GenKey. When setting, set one of
.illumCam/Shot also.
.illumR Possibly-animated 0..1 red component of the light, GenKey. When setting, set one of
.illumCam/Shot also.
.illumShot Shot associated with this illumination data, should be set whenever illumination is, in case the shot is time-shifted.
.isExported Light is exported (examined by exporters)
.isIlluminated Light has an illumination track (illumR/G/B).
.isSelected Shows/controls whether or not this light is selected.
.kind Either “omni” or “directional”
.nm Name of the light
.red 0..1 red component of its static color.
.scriptDefined You can add new attributes to this type, see Script-Defined Attributes.
.show Light is shown in the viewports (and lights things)
.timeMode The Compute Over Frames setting: 0: frame- by-frame; 1: Solve over all frames; 2: Solve over all, but now locked.
.uniqueID A unique ID String (representing a 64-bit integer)
.vec Light’s position (writeable)
.willDelete 1 if the object will be deleted after the script completes. Can be changed to control what will happen.
.zuptrans Light's transform on the current frame, always in Z-up coordinates to facilitate use with Transform.orient.
.x,.y,.z etc Light’s position/orientation transform on the current frame (Read only)
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