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.blue Blue component of the note's background color, 0..1
.color Background color of the note. 24b little- endian RGB value. Is 0x818283 (8487555) if the color is the default note background color, determined by the preferences.
.endFrame Final inclusive frame of the note's interval.
.green Green component of color, 0..1
.location The note's UV location on the shot.
.number The note number, ie 4 if it is Note4.
.red Red component of color, 0..1
.shotID The uniqueID of the shot this note is attached to; if it is zero, then the note is present on all shots.
.show Whether or not the note is shown in the camera views.
.startFrame Starting frame number of the note's interval
.text The text payload of the note.
.uniqueID A unique ID String (representing a 64-bit integer)
.willDelete 1 if the object will be deleted after the script completes. Can be changed to control what will happen.
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