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These are cameras or moving objects, from the Obj list, not “objects” as in “object-orient programming.” Use "new myshot.obj" to add a new moving object.

Some soft-lock attributes functions use bit masks to control what channels are locked, have keys, etc. The values for the channels are x=1, y=2, z=4, tilt=8, pan=16, roll=32, fov=64, dist=128, hold=256. So those functions control axis soft- locking, hard-locking (when weight=0), and the normal/tripod hold-mode selection.

GeoH attributes often have six or seven channels, ie geoLock1 ... geoLock7. These are the three position values, three rotation angles, and optionally a distance value. Whereas transform data such as .solvetrans and

.geoPivot is automatically swizzled into the current axis mode (Z-Up, Y-Up, Y-Up- Left), channel data is always in a fixed order corresponding to Z-Up, ie X L/R is channel 1, Y F/B is channel 2, and Z U/D is channel 3. The rotation angles correspond to X angle, Y angle, and Z angle in Z-Up, in the order rotate around Y, then around X, then around Z. So X is tilt (channel 4), Y is roll (channel 5), and Z is pan (channel 6). There is a wide variety of data available; you should use channel values with channel values, and transforms and vectors with transforms and vectors, but avoid mixing channel values with transforms as you are unlikely to get the swizzling right. Note that the channels are not in order on the GeoH panel, and the order even changes depending on the axis mode.

.ADCompensate(vec) Compensate the vector vec (perhaps a

tracker location) for the effective anamorphic distance, returning the compensated value. If this object is a camera, vec and the return value are in world coordinates. If this object is a moving object, vec and the return value are in object coordinates, and the compensation assumes that the host camera is the view camera, which is not necessarily the case.

Heavily dependent on the current frame and solve.

.ADDecompensate(vec) Removes the compensation of the vector vec

for the effective anamorphic distance, returning the compensated value.

Decompensation is required for using mesh- intersection routines that return a distance to the hit point, to determine what coordinate would result in this compensated location. If this object is a camera, vec and the return value are in world coordinates. If this object is a moving object, vec and the return value are in object coordinates, and the compensation assumes that the host camera is the view camera, which is not necessarily the case.

Heavily dependent on the current frame and solve.

.ADFrameCompensator(optargs) Returns a special compensator object for

quickly compensating vectors for anamorphic distance on this particular frame . The returned object embeds all the information at the time of its creation, and thus does not change even if you later change the frame

number, camera position, etc. The returned compensator object has two functions, Compensate(vector) and Decompensate(vector) — the latter used after mesh intersection operations so that pos + nrm*distance calculations come out right. If the compensator was created on a camera, it compensates world coordinates. If created on a moving object, it compensates in object coordinates, assuming the moving object’s camera is the viewing camera . If the optarg is a moving object, the compensator compensates coordinates (eg tracker locations) in the moving object’s frame, but as seen from the camera on which this compensator was created. If created on a camera with a mesh as the first optional optarg argument, it compensates the mesh’s vertex coordinates, for making vertex caches. For meshes, there can be a second optional argument that indicates whether or not the vertex values need scaling (2 nd arg = 1 or missing), ie coming from msh.vtx or msh.DeformedUS(); or if they are already scaled (2 nd arg = 0), ie coming from msh.Deformed(). Either way, the vertices are always returned with the same scaling (or not) as they were supplied.

.anamorphicDistance Anamorphic distance (between horizontal and

vertical lens entrance pupils). Cameras only. GenKey. See also .hasAnamorphicDistance.

.anamorphicDistanceMode The .LensParamMode() value for solving the


.ApplyTransform(scl, xf, wam, oflg) Transform the object's coordinate system

(and attached moving objects and a stereo shot's other eye) by the specified scale factor scl and transform xf. Meshes are also updated if wam is nonzero. For moving objects, oflg controls modifications to the transform: 0 makes changes in the world coordinate system with the object at the current frame, 1 is a simpler version of that, and 2 changes the object in object coordinates.

.AutoPlace(only_sel) Run the auto-place algorithm from the

Summary panel. If only_sel is non-zero, then only selected trackers will be considered from the ground or wall plane.

.calcBits Bit vector of the various calc bits including zoomAffectsDistortion.

.calcCenter Calculate lens center

.calcCubic Calculate cubic distortion

.calcDistortion Calculate (quadratic) distortion on solver panel

.calcQuadratic Calculate quadratic distortion (same as


.calcQuartic Calculate quartic distortion

.calcRolling Calculate best rolling shutter

.calcEccentricity Calculate vertical/horizontal eccentricity ratio for distortion.

.calcZoomSquashSlope Calculate zoom to aspect squashing slope for

anamorphic lenses

.calcZoomSquashFOV Calculate zoom to aspect squashing nominal

field of view for anamorphic lenses

.cam Camera object for this object (Read only)

.checkFrame Frame for checklines

.checkLength Checkline length, for any (one) with a length set

.ClearSeedFOV() Clear seed FOVs

.ClearSeedTrans() Clear seed transforms

.ClearSelect() Unselect all trackers (and everything else)

.ClearSolveFOV() Clear solved FOVs

.ClearSolveTrans() Clear solved transforms

.Clone() Clone a moving object (not a camera), including meshes and other (GeoH) objects attached to it. Trackers are not cloned.

.CloneAlone() Clones the moving object alone.

.color 24bit color for the displayed object

.cubic Solved or hand-set cubic distortion coefficient

.distanceConstraint Value to which the distance is locked, if present

.distortion Solved or hand-set (quadratic) distortion coefficient

.eccentricity Solved or hand-set vertical adjustment to the radius used to calculate distortion, for anamorphic lenses.

.filterFrequency Post-solve filter frequency, Hz (cycles/sec). genkey.

.filterMode Post-solve filter channel enable, X:1, Y:2, Z:4, Tilt:8, Pan:16, Roll:32, FOV:64, Distance:128.

.FilterSeedDistance([f0,f1]) Filter the seed camera/object distance, over

either the entire shot or the given optional frame range.

.FilterSolveDistance([f0,f1]) Filter the solve camera/object distance, over

either the entire shot or the given optional frame range.

.FilterSeedFOV([f0,f1]) Filter the seed field of view, over either the

entire shot or the given optional frame range.

.FilterSolveFOV([f0,f1]) Filter the solve field of view, over either the

entire shot or the given optional frame range.

.FilterSeedPath([f0,f1]) Filter the seed path, over either the entire

shot or the given optional frame range.

.FilterSolvePath([f0,f1]) Filter the solve path, over either the entire

shot or the given optional frame range.

.filterStrength Post-solve filter strength, 0-1. genkey.

.finalizeFilter Tracker’s finalize panel’s Filter setting

.finalizeGap Tracker’s finalize panel Gap setting

.finalizeStrength Finalize panel Strength setting

.finalizeWindow Finalize panel Window setting

.fl Focal length for current frame, depends on sensor (back plate) width. Important: for fisheye shots, this is based on, or changes, the “Scale” track of advanced lens parameters (and is thus unrelated to field of view for fisheyes).

.focus Access the display-only ‘focus’ track, ie to record focus metadata for display in the graph editor, and for other potential future uses. The “Metadata/Load focus track from metadata” script can copy any named numeric metadata item into the focus track.

.fov Horizontal field of view in degrees for current frame. Solve FOV if available, otherwise seed FOV.

.fpathJiggle First path fuzz

.fovIsKeyed FOV is keyed on this frame (r/w)

.geoActual The solved position vs the pivot position, as a transform. Writing this also makes it a key frame. See also .geoActual1..7 for channel version, .geoActualW for world coordinates, and .geoPartial to write only unlocked channels.

.geoActual1 ... .geoActual7 The actual channel values, ie from the Joint

setting selector. These are in the local pivot coordinate system. See the note on geo channels above.

.geoActualW The actual position in world coordinates.

Writing this sets a lock on all joint lock values, and makes it a key frame. See .geoPartialW for comparison.

.geoActualW1 ... .geoActualW6 The world position/orientation of the GeoH

object, as channel data. The transform version is just .trans or .solvetrans.

.geoAffectParent, .geoAffectsParent The object affects the solution process

of its parent. Animated.

.geoAutoWeight(ksize) Automatically generate initial weights for this

rig. Should be called on the root object, the parent of the mesh. KSize is the kernel size, as per the Relax mesh and Blur Weights tools; 1 is always a good choice.

.geoBaseMesh The underlying mesh object deformed by this GeoH object, whether it is attached directly or to one of this object's ancestors. See also

.geoMesh. Read only.

.geoCareFilter Filter setting for careful mode.

.geoCareful When set, search is more complex.

.geoChildren List of child objects, ie those that list this object as their geoParent.

.GeoClearVertices() Clear the vertex weight data for this object.

.geoCOG Center of gravity of the (partial) mesh associated with this object on the current frame, in mesh coordinates.

.geoConfirmMesh The mesh recorded with the layering weight data, as part of watching for situations where the mesh changes and leaves the weight data obsolete. Returns the mesh only if the mesh still matches (the original number of vertices and faces). Write this to stamp the current values with the mesh's parameters, or write with null to unstamp it.

.geoDone Geometry tracking is done on this object, it will no longer be solved.

.geoDontTrackCount Number of do-not-track vertices. Read-only.

.GeoExpandWeights(distance) Creates a set of vertex weights for a mesh by

expanding the set outwards, creating a gradient blend zone.

.geoFancyBones 2019 and up: Always keep at 2. Older: If 1, use fancier bones deformation that allows overlapping sibling weight regions. If 0, use faster strictly-hierarchical routine.

.geoFrameError For GeoHTracked objects, the stored error/figure of merit for each frame. Value is - 1 if the object hasn't been solved on this frame. See GeoUpdateTotalError()

.GeoHTrack() Run GeoHTracking code on the current frame for this object (and its children). Should be called after all significant changes to the GeoH tracker object. Set Scene.recalcSplines

= 0 to temporarily disabled spline recalculation when changing many frames of a path simultaneously, then call


.geoIsFine Use the "fine" setting for tracking this object.

.geoKeyEvery If non-zero, a key will be generated every this-many frames.

.geoKeyFrame Whether this frame is a key frame for this GeoH object (0 or 1). If so, all channels are effectively locked for solving on this frame.

.geoLock1 ... .geoLock7 The value this channel is locked to, if it is locked.

.geoLockIsKeyed1 geoLockIsKeyed7 Whether the lock value is keyed or not.

Write to 1 to set a key, 0 to remove a key on one frame, -1 to truncate keys on this and succeeding frames.

.geoLockKeyType1 ... .geoLockKeyType7 The spline(0) or linear(1) key type

on this frame.

.geoLocked1 ... .geoLocked7 Whether or not the respective channel is

locked on the current frame. Read/Write. Be aware of GeoH tracking direction!

.geoLockedIsKeyed1 .. .geoLockedIsKeyed7 Whether or not the respective

channel's locked value is keyed on the current frame. Write to 1 to set a key, 0 to remove a key on one frame, -1 to truncate keys on this and succeeding frames.

.GeoMakeRoot() When called on a child object in a GeoH hierarchy, makes this object the new root, by inverting parents to become children.

.geoMesh The one mesh attached directly to this object, or null if there isn't one or is more than one.

Read only. See also .geoBaseMesh

.geoMax1... .geoMax6 Maximum allowed value for each channel

.geoMin1 ... .geoMin6 Minimum allowed values for each channel.

.geoOverscan Ratio multiplied by max width or height to limit possible tracking area; stops playback when exceeds.

.geoParent Object that is this object's geometry-tracking parent.

.geoPartial Sets a key on unlocked channels in pivot- relative coordinates (vs world for

.geoPartialW), makes it a key frame. See also


.geoPartialW Write a transform to key the GeoH object's position on the current frame: lock keys are created only on the channels that are NOT locked on the current frame, which is set to be a key frame. Read: the current transform, ie solvetrans/geoActualW.

.geoPivot Transform from pivot to its parent coordinate system.

.geoPivot1 ... .geoPivot6 Position of the pivot relative the parent

coordinates, as channel data.

.geoPivotW Transform of the pivot in world coordinates

.geoPivotW1 ... .geoPivotW6 Position of the pivot in world coordinates, as

channel data.

.GeoReadVertexWeights() Read/update the vertex weights from the file.

Returns an error string, or a null string on success.

.GeoSetVertexWeight(vno, w, wantw) Set the vertex weight for the specified

vertex number (ie from the base mesh) to the specified weight. You must call GeoUpdatedVertices() after making changes! The w value is either an integer value 0 or 1, or a 0..1 floating point value if there are weights on this layer. The wantw argument is optional; if it is present and this is the first vertex with non-zero weight being written, then weights are created for this object.

.geoSpinny Object rotates more rapidly around axis from camera to object, enable some compensation to reduce the amount of rekeying required.

.geoUnbound GeoH object moves quickly, don't try to limit its region

.GeoUpdatedVertices() You must call this after changing vertex

weights! You must have set geoConfirmMesh before calling this.

.GeoUpdateTotalError() Call after changing .geoFrameError on any

individual frame, to rebuild the overall error.

.GeoVertexWeight(vno) Returns the vertex weight of the given vertex

of the base mesh. The weight is 0..1.

.geoVertexWeightChannel Channel to pull the weight from in the file:

R/G/B/A = 0/1/2/3. Used (only) by geoReadVertexWeights().

.geoVertexWeightCount The number of vertices with weights for this

object. (read only)

.geoVertexWeightFile File name for the vertex weights for a

GeoHTracking layer. (Must have texture coordinates.)

.geoVertexWeightStamp Last-modified date stamp for the weight file at

the time it is imported by geoReadVertexWeights(). String with both local and GMT versions.

.glitchMode Glitch mode

.hasAnamorphicDistance Returns 0: anamorphic zero is always zero; 1:

value is non-zero but constant; 2: non-zero and not constant.

.identiFOVWeight Weight causing Left/right cameras to have matching FOVs, 60 = nominal, 0=off.

.insideSplines(uvpos) Returns 1 if the uvpos point is inside the

active spline area (considering all splines, enables, object assignments, etc) at the current frame, or 0 if not.

.isCamera 1 or 0: is it a camera? (Read only)

.isExported Should be exported (if examined by exporter)

.isFOVSolved Is solved with a field-of-view value or curve.

Usually same as isSolved unless either solved data set has been cleared (read only)

.isGeo Is a GeoH object, ie has a .mode of "GeoHTrack"

.isIndependent Whether this camera or object should be solved independently of the rest.

.isRenderCamera Whether or not it is a slightly special render camera, ie has no shot and is intended just for user hand animation and previewing.

.isSelected Shows/controls whether or not this object is selected.

.isSolved Is solved with a object path (read only)

.lensAnyAnimated Whether any advanced or classic lens parameter is animated (ie not constant).

.LensApply(pt) Return the 2-D position on the distorted image plane of the 2-D point pt, based on the

current solver distortion settings. Returns null if this operation fails.

.lensAtDefaults Whether any advanced or classic lens parameter is ever at a non-default value; if none are, there is no actual distortion is present. Warning: fisheye types are distorted at all times; this is not reflected in lensAtDefaults, see .lensHasDistortion. Live prepset only.

.lensCenter Solved or hand-set lens center (U and V point)

.LensCopyShotDistortion(shot_or_cam) Copy the advanced lens distortion

parameters from the shot into the object’s (camera’s) solve parameters. You must set the object’s lensType to match the shot’s lensType before performing this call. Any existing distortion values on this camera are ignored. The argument can be either the shot itself, or the camera containing the shot.

.lensHasDistortion Whether any advanced or classic lens parameter is ever at a non-default value; if none are, there is no actual distortion present. Fine point: fisheye types are distorted at all times; so .lensHasDistortion is on at all times for fisheye lenses. See .lensAtDefaults for a report solely on whether values are at defaults or not!

.LensImageDomain([stoplist, [bboxIn]]) Returns a list of two points, a minimum

and a maximum point in UV coordinates, describing the rectangle in the undistorted image plane that would source pixels to cover the entire distorted image. This is typically used for the overscan area in image compositing apps. If the optional stoplist argument is present, it must be a list of integer parameter numbers; each listed parameter is reset to its default value for this domain calculation. It defaults to the null list []. Similarly, the optional bboxIn argument allows you to specify a rectangle of the distorted image that must be covered (typically with coordinates greater than + or – 1). The bboxIn defaults to [Point(-1,-1), Point(1,1)].

These additional arguments allow detailed analysis when the exported compositing pipe

must implement the distortion with multiple stages, each of which is individually clipped.

.LensImageRange([stoplist, [bboxIn]]) Returns a list of two points, a minimum

and a maximum point in UV coordinates, describing the rectangle in the distorted image plane that would source pixels to cover the entire undistorted image. This is typically used for the bounding boxes in image compositing apps. If the optional stoplist argument is present, it must be a list of integer parameter numbers; each listed parameter is reset to its default value for this domain calculation. It defaults to the null list []. Similarly, the optional bboxIn argument allows you to specify a rectangle of the undistorted image that must be covered (typically with coordinates greater than + or – 1). The bboxIn defaults to [Point(-1,-1), Point(1,1)].

These additional arguments allow detailed analysis when the exported compositing pipe must implement the distortion with multiple stages, each of which is individually clipped.

.lensMode Lens FOV solving mode: 0=known, 1=fixed, 2=zoom, 3=estimate from seed FOV track

.lensmode1, .lensmode2,… Advanced lens parameter solving mode for

parameter N (1 and up): known 0, calculate: 1, animate on keys: 2, animate on frames: 3.

.LensNParam() Return the number of parameters for the current advanced lens type.

.LensParam(pno) Return the value of the lens parameter on the current frame. Note that any rotation angle is in radians, not degrees. See also

.lensparam1 etc.

.lensparam1, .lensparam2,… Advanced lens parameter value for parameter

.N (1 and up) on the current frame. Note that any rotation angle is in radians, not degrees.

.lensparam1IsKeyed, .lensparam2IsKeyed,… Whether or not the parameter is

keyed on the current frame.

.lensparam1Animated, .lensparam2Animated,… Whether or not the

parameter is animated (ie not constant).

.LensParamDefault(pno) Default value for this parameter for the

current lens type.

.LensParamIsAnimated(pno) Return 1 if the parameter is truly animated, ie

has keys with multiple different values.

.LensParamIsKeyed(pno) Return 1 if the parameter is keyed on the

current frame, zero if it is not.

.LensParamMode(pno) Return the solving mode of this lens

parameter on the current frame: known 0, calculate: 1, animate on keys: 2, animate on frames: 3.

.LensParamName(pno) Human-readable name of this parameter.

.LensParamNumKeys(pno) Number of keys, different than IsAnimated in

that the keys might be the same.

.LensParamRescaleFactor(pno, adj) Returns a factor that should be applied

to the given parameter if the shot image plane is being scaled up by adj (ie the dimensionless coordinates are being scaled down by a factor of adj). This factor will be some power of adj (including 0 th or 1st).

.LensParamSetKeyed(pno, val) Add a key on the current frame if val=1,

delete any key on the current frame if val=0, and truncate all keys following the current frame if val<0.

.LensRemove(pt) Return the 2-D position on the ideal image plane of the distorted 2-D point pt, based on the current solver distortion settings. Returns null if this operation fails.

.LensRescale(sfac) Adjust all the parameters to reflect a change

in the image plane padding or cropping (not resolution!) by sfac. For example, the image is to be padded to increase its size by 20%, so sfac is 1.2, and the distortion coefficients get larger to accommodate that (taking into account the x and y powers of the various coefficients). Note that horizontal and vertical scaling must be the same for this to work, thus there is only one scaling parameter.

.LensResetParams([md]) Reset the parameters to their default values,

based on the current advanced lens type. If the mode md is absent or present with md=1, all parameters are reset. If md=2, only those parameters being solved for are reset.

.LensResetPreservingKeys() Reset the distortion parameters to their

default values (resulting in no distortion), but with the special tweak that any parameters being solved with linear key interpolation will have those key frame values reset to zero, but the key frames will continue to exist, to facilitate potential further work.

.LensSetParam(pno, val) Set the lens parameter to the given value,

creating a key on the current frame. Note that any rotation angle is in radians, not degrees.

.LensSetParamMode(pno) Set the solving mode of this lens parameter

on the current frame: known 0, calculate: 1, animate: 2.

.lensType Advanced lens type: 1: classic perspective, 2: Radial-4 th, 3: Anamorphic-6th, 4:

Radial+Squash, 5: Anamorphic-6th Merged, 6: Std. Radial-4 th, 7: Std. Anamorphic-6th, 8: Std. Anamorphic-6 th Merged, 9: Stereographic, 10:

Equidistant, 11: Equisolid, 12: Orthographic. It will reset the lens parameters any time it is changed to a different value, and it will cause the proper advanced lens dialog to appear.

.lensTypeName Human-readable version of .lensType. Read- only!

.lensUCenterChan The parameter number for the U center for the current lens type. The V center is the next one after this. Note that your code must take care, because the parameter is fully animatable, although the solver restricts it to a fixed values.

.line List of checklines for this object.

.maxifrm Maximum frames/pass

.maxipnt Maximum points/pass

.maxTrackerCount Maximum tracker count of Feature panel’s Advanced Dialog

.minTrackersPerFrame Trackers per frame setting on the Feature

Panel’s Advanced Dialog

.minTrackLength Minimum track length setting of Feature panel’s Advanced Dialog

.mode Solver mode as listed on solver panel: “Disabled”, “Automatic”, “Refine”, “Tripod”, “Refine Tripod”, “Indirectly”, “ GeoHTrack”, “Individual mocap”, “From Seed Points”, “From Path”

.nm Object’s name

.noFarConvert Never convert to far dropdown on solver panel, with four states: 0=OK, 1=Never, 2=Make ZWT, 3=Disable.

.orient The unvarnished unlimited-range seed or solve pan/tilt/roll vector.

.other The “other” object, if part of a pair of stereo moving objects. Low-level, R/W, see


.opposite The other/opposite object of a stereo pair.

This is more carefully checked to make sure it really is a stereo pair. Read only.

.pan The unvarnished unlimited-range seed or solve pan track, which can go more than 360 degrees.

.parent Parent camera of object (if object is a camera, ob.parent == ob) (Read only)

.pntJiggle Point fuzz

.pntPathJiggle Point-path fuzz

.pos The unvarnished Z-Up seed or solve position vector.

.pscnDistance Calculated distance to the screen, based on the other .pscn parameters. Animated, read only.

.pscnHGrid Horizontal grids in perspective view projection screen, default from preference.

.pscnMode Projection screen mode for perspective view, saying when to build a mesh projection screen instead of showing the plain image: 0: never, 1: when distorted, 2: always. Default from a preference.

.pscnSDist Projection screen distance, default from preference. If <0, it is relative and is multiplied by world size. If >0, it is an absolute distance.

.pscnTarget The .uniqueID of a target tracker or extra point; if valid, the distance to this target will be used instead of pscnSDist. For no target, set it to the string "0"

.pscnVGrid Vertical grids in perspective view projection screen, default from preference.

.quadratic Solved or hand-set quadratic distortion coefficient, same as .distortion.

.quartic Solved or hand-set quartic distortion coefficient

.RecalcSeedFOV() Recalculate the entire seed FOV spline after bulk changes with recalculations disabled via Scene.recalcSplines

.RecalcSolveFOV() Recalculate the entire solved FOV spline after

bulk changes with recalculations disabled via Scene.recalcSplines

.RecalcSeedPath() Recalculate the entire seed path spline after bulk changes with recalculations disabled via Scene.recalcSplines

.RecalcSolvePath() Recalculate the entire solve path spline after

bulk changes with recalculations disabled via Scene.recalcSplines

.refineJiggle Refine fuzz

.rmserr RMS error of overall solution for this object (hpix)

.roll The unvarnished unlimited-range seed or solve roll track.

.rotoAlpha Alpha level assigned to this shot on the roto panel.

.RotoMatteForObject() Return an image with the composite result

from the roto panel indicating what pixels correspond to this object or camera.

.rpathJiggle Rest path fuzz

.scriptDefined (This entry is only a place-holder, there is no attribute with this name.) You can add new attributes to this type, see Script-Defined Attributes.

.seedFOV Seed Field of View (r/w)

.seedFOVIsKeyed 0/1 whether or not seed FOV is keyed (r/w)

.seedFOVIsValid 0/1 whether or not the seed FOV has valid data (r/w)

.seedFOVKeyType Seed FOV key type, 0:spline, 1:linear

.seedKeyType Seed path key type word. See solveKeyType.

.seedpan The unvarnished unlimited-range seed pan track, which can go more than 360 degrees. See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.seedorient The unvarnished unlimited-range seed pan/tilt/roll vector. See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.seedpos The unvarnished Z-Up seed position vector.

See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.seedroll The unvarnished unlimited-range seed roll track. See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress

recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.seedtilt The unvarnished unlimited-range seed tilt track. See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.seedtrans Seed path transform (r/w). See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.seedtransIsKeyed 0/1 whether or not frame is keyed on any channel on this frame (r/w)

.seedtransIsValid 0/1 whether or not the frame has valid data (r/w)

.seedX The unvarnished Z-Up seed x coordinate.

See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.seedY The unvarnished Z-Up seed y coordinate.

See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.seedZ The unvarnished Z-Up seed z coordinate.

See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.shot Shot to which object is attached. Writeable only for moving objects; it changes not only this object, but any geoChildren as well.

.show Camera/Object mesh shown in viewport

.slowSure Slow but sure checkbox on solver panel

.softAnyLock A bit mask of which channels are locked at any time during the shot. Read-only.

.softDweight Distance-value soft lock weight on Solver Locking panel

.softFOVweight FOV-axis soft lock weight on the Solver Locking panel

.softKeyed A bit mask of which channel lock enables are keyed on the current frame. Read-only.

.softLocked A bit mask of which channels are locked on the current frame. Read-only.

.softPweight Pan-axis soft lock weight on the Solver Locking panel

.softRweight Roll-axis soft lock weight on the Solver Locking panel

.SoftSetWithKey(enables, keys) Changes the soft-lock enable status of each

channel present in keys on the current frame, turning it on or off depending on the corresponding bit in enables.

.SoftTruncate(keys) Truncate the enable keys on all channel enables present in keys from the current frame through the end of shot.

.softTweight Tilt-axis soft lock weight on the Solver Locking panel

.softXweight X-axis soft lock weight on the Solver Locking panel

.softYweight Y-axis soft lock weight on the Solver Locking panel

.softZweight Z-axis soft lock weight on the Solver Locking panel

.solveBegin Solver begin frame, to solver in manual, from solver after automatic

.solveBeginAuto Determine a solver “begin” frame automatically.

.solveDirection Solver direction hint. Numeric code corresponding to the selection of the Undirected/Left/etc dropdown on the solver panel.

.solvedRolling Solved rolling shutter value

.solveEnd Solver end frame, to solver in manual, from solver after automatic

.solveEndAuto Determine a solver “end” frame automatically

.solveFilter Solver filter frames setting

.solveFOV Solve Field of View (r/w)

.solveFOVIsKeyed 0/1 whether or not solve FOV is keyed (any channel) on this frame (r/w).

.solveFOVIsValid 0/1 whether or not the solve FOV has valid data (r/w)

.solveFOVKeyType Solve FOV key type: 0:spline, 1:linear

.solveKeyType Solve path key type word: 1: linear in X, 2: linear in Y, 4: linear in Z, 8: linear pan, 16: linear tilt, 32: linear roll. 256: Skip X key here, 512: Skip Y key here, 1024: Skip Z key here, 2048: Skip tilt key here, 4096: Skip pan key

here, 8192: Skip roll key here. Note that bits that aren't "linear" are natural spline keys. Z- Up ordering, Y and Z bits never swap.

.solveorient The unvarnished "real" pan/tilt/roll values, which can range more than 360 degrees. See

.pan, .tilt, .roll also. See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.solvepan The unvarnished unlimited-range solve pan track, which can go more than 360 degrees. See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.solvepos The unvarnished Z-Up solve position vector.

See .X, .Y, and .Z also. See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.solveroll The unvarnished unlimited-range solve roll track. See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.solvetilt The unvarnished unlimited-range solve tilt track. See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.solvetrans Solve path transform (r/w). See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.solvetransIsKeyed 0/1 whether or not frame is keyed (r/w)

.solvetransIsValid 0/1 whether or not the frame has valid data (r/w)

.starting360VRThres 360VR startup threshold

.startingNormalThres Normal startup threshold

.startingTripodThres Tripod startup threshold

.tilt The unvarnished unlimited-range seed or solve tilt track.

.solveWorkflow [UNUSED] Workflow to be applied automatically after solve.

.solveX The unvarnished Z-Up solve x coordinate.

.solveY The unvarnished Z-Up solve y coordinate.

.solveZ The unvarnished Z-Up solve z coordinate.

.TrackerCleanup() Run Track/Cleanup trackers using existing settings, typically from preferences. Returns a lengthy string describing what it did.

.trans Solve transform, if it exists, or seed transform (r/w). See Scene.recalcSplines to suppress recalculations when making many changes to the path or FOV splines, then use the Recalc functions.

.transitionFrames Number of transition frames on solver panel

.tripodJiggle Tripod first path fuzz

.trk List of trackers attached to object (Read only,

new tracker supported)

.uniqueID A unique ID string (representing a 64-bit integer).

.Unsolve(frmcnt, fromStart, checkall, minf, mint) Unsolve frmcnt frames

from this object, from the end if fromStart is 0, the beginning if fromStart is 1, or the playback range if it is 2. Don’t do any if it is -1.

Dependent trackers and possibly additional frames may become unsolved as a result, if trackers are valid on fewer than minf frames, or frames have fewer than mint trackers.

Check all frames also if checkall is set. The solving mode is set to Refine or Refine Tripod to be able to resume solving.

.Unwrap(filnm, wid, hei) Write an "unwrapped" bitmap (.bmp only)

image of this object's GeoH base mesh, with the given width and height, to the specified filename. Coloration reflects the layer stacking as it does in the perspective window.

.UpdateZWT() Recalculate the position of all zero-weight- trackers on this object, or if it is a camera, on any attached object.

.valid Solved position available on this frame? 0: no, 1: yes, 2: keyed.

.vertScale For zoom-squash processing, this is the correction to the aspect ratio on the current frame, ie the 3D point's predicted V coordinate must be multiplied by this value to

match the image. This read-only animated

value is computed from the

.zoomSquashFOV, .zoomSquashSlope, and

.fov values on the current frame.

.vfov Vertical field of view in degrees for the current frame. This is NOT the same as fov/aspect!

.weight Weight multiplier for the object’s trackers during solving.

.worldSize world size setting

. X The unvarnished Z-Up seed or solve x coordinate. IMPORTANT: this is upper case X, different than lower case, which comes from .trans.

. Y The unvarnished Z-Up seed or solve y coordinate. IMPORTANT: this is upper case X, different than lower case, which comes from .trans.

. Z The unvarnished Z-Up seed or solve z coordinate. IMPORTANT: this is upper case X, different than lower case, which comes from .trans.

.zoomAffectsDistortion When set, allow zoom to affect the amount of

quadratic, cubic, and quartic distortion, resulting in programmatically defined animated distortion values (for the image preprocessor) even though the values are fixed (except zoom).

.zoomCubic Effective cubic distortion on the current frame when zoomAffectsDistortion is on. Animated read-only value calculated from .cubic and

.fov. Reads as .cubic when

.zoomAffectsDistortion is off.

.zoomQuadratic Effective quadratic distortion on the current frame when zoomAffectsDistortion is on.

Animated read-only value calculated from

.quadratic and .fov. Reads as .quadratic when

.zoomAffectsDistortion is off.

.zoomQuartic Effective quartic distortion on the current frame when zoomAffectsDistortion is on. Animated read-only value calculated from

.quartic and .fov. Reads as .quartic when

.zoomAffectsDistortion is off.

.zoomSquashFOV Nominal FOV where aspect ratio correction = 1, ie the stated aspect ratio is correct.

.zoomSquashSlope Slope value from zoom scaling to vertical correction.

.zupseedtrans Seed transform .seed, always in Z-Up to facilitate pan/tilt/roll angles using Transform.orient. If the object is a Camera, corrected so 0,0,0 points along +Y not -Z. *** The orient vector from .zupseedtrans will not allow angles to range more than 360 degrees. See .seedorient instead.

.zupsolvetrans Solve transform .solve, always in Z-Up to facilitate pan/tilt/roll angles using Transform.orient. If the object is a Camera, corrected so 0,0,0 points along +Y not -Z. *** The orient vector from .zupsolvetrans will not allow angles to range more than 360 degrees. See .solveorient instead.

.zuptrans Solve or seed transform, always in Z-Up to facilitate pan/tilt/roll angles using Transform.orient. If the object is a Camera, corrected so 0,0,0 points along +Y not -Z. *** The orient vector from .zuptrans will not allow angles to range more than 360 degrees. See

.orient instead.

(transform attribs) See transform attribute listing. Gives world transform of camera/object

Warning : writing the camera/object path or field of view can take some time because splines and zero-weighted-trackers are recalculated after each write. Use Scene.recalcSplines to temporarily disable the recalculation when making many changes at once.

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