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.bigEndian Set binary output to use big-endian values if
!= 0, if bigEndian == 0 it is little-endian (Intel) by default. Read/write.
.binary Set file to binary (value != 0) or text (value==0) PC only. Write only. Reflects and
affects only the presently-open output file. Do not attempt to set back to zero before closing a file, that is unnecessary and will affect the final flush.
.chars Number of characters written. Read only.
.DoubleToHex(dv [, sep]) Convert the number dv to a hexadecimal
string representing dv’s double-precision floating-point value. The string has the endianness selected for the Output object. If present, the optional sep string argument precedes each hexadecimal byte of output.
.FloatToHex(fv [, sep]) Convert the number fv to a hexadecimal
string representing fv’s single-precision floating-point value. The string has the endianness selected for the Output object. If present, the optional sep string argument precedes each hexadecimal byte of output.
.HalfToHex(hv [, sep]) Convert the number hv to a hexadecimal
string representing hv’s half-precision floating- point value. The string has the endianness selected for the Output object. If present, the optional sep string argument precedes each hexadecimal byte of output.
.IntToHex(iv [, sep]) Convert the number iv to a hexadecimal string
representing iv’s signed (32b) integer value. The string has the endianness selected for the Output object. If present, the optional sep string argument precedes each hexadecimal byte of output.
.OutByte(val) Output an 8-bit byte in binary format
.OutShort(val) Output a 16-bit short in binary format
.OutUShort(val) Output an unsigned short in binary format
.OutInt(val) Output a 32-bit integer in binary format
.OutUInt(val) Output a 32-bit unsigned integer in binary format
.OutFloat(val) Output a 32-bit floating-point value in binary format
.OutDouble(val) Output a 64-bit floating-point value in binary format
.ShortToHex(sv [, sep]) Convert the number sv to a hexadecimal
string representing sv’s signed short (16b) integer value. The string has the endianness selected for the Output object. If present, the optional sep string argument precedes each hexadecimal byte of output.
.UIntToHex(uiv [, sep]) Convert the number uiv to a hexadecimal
string representing uiv’s unsigned (32b) integer value. The string has the endianness selected for the Output object. If present, the optional sep string argument precedes each hexadecimal byte of output.
.Unbuffered() Makes the current output file unbuffered, good for logging-type output.
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