Stereo Geometry

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Stereo Geometry

On stereo shots, this sub-object contains the parameters controlling the relationship between the left and right cameras. The stereo settings match those present on the Stereo Geometry control panel, see the documentation for that.

Most of the stereo parameters are animated GenKeys, so additional IsKeyed and KeyType attributes are available, for quite a large number of settings. Access a Stereo Geometry object from a Shot object with shot.stereo.

.anyLock A bit mask of which channels are locked at any time during the shot. Read-only.

.dominance Left/right (center) dominance setting

.direction Direction value (genkey)

.directionMode Direction mode (small integer, see panel)

.directionWeight Direction weight (genkey)

.distance Inter-ocular distance value (genkey)

.distanceMode Inter-ocular distance mode (small integer, see panel)

.distanceWeight Inter-ocular distance weight (genkey)

.elevation Elevation value (genkey)

.elevationMode Elevation mode (small integer, see panel)

.elevationWeight Elevation weight (genkey)

.keyed A bit mask of which channel lock enables are keyed on the current frame. Read-only.

.left The left shot. Read-only.

.locked A bit mask of which channels are locked on the current frame. Read-only.

.right The right shot. Read-only.

.roll Roll value (genkey)

.rollMode Roll mode (small integer, see panel)

.rollWeight Roll weight (genkey)

.SetViaStereo(dir, store) Set the position/orientation of one or both

cameras based on their position and the stereo channel data. If dir= -1, set the left camera; if dir=0, set both cameras, centered from the middle; if dir=1, set the right camera. With store=1, the seed path is updated; if store=2, the solve path is updated; if store=3, both paths are updated.

.SetWithKey(enables, keys) Changes the stereo-lock enable status of

each channel present in keys on the current frame, turning it on or off depending on the corresponding bit in enables.

.tilt Tilt value (genkey)

.tiltMode Tilt mode (small integer, see panel)

.tiltWeight Tilt weight (genkey)

.Truncate(keys) Truncate the enable keys on all channel enables present in keys from the current frame through the end of shot.

.vergence Vergence value (genkey)

.vergenceMode Vergence mode (small integer, see panel)

.vergenceWeight Vergence weight (genkey)

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