Advanced Solving Using Phases

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Advanced Solving Using Phases

SynthEyes offers an advanced method for controlling the operation of the Solver using a node-based approach. We call these solver nodes Phases. With Phases, you can set up a recipe for how the solver should solve the shot, using over 40 different kinds of Phases.

You should think about using phases whenever you need to follow a series of steps to obtain a solve on a difficult shot.

You can also take advantage of the unique capabilities of the phases to set up your coordinate system, in ways that are not possible otherwise.

Once you've set up a collection of phases, you can copy and paste them from one SynthEyes file to another, or save them to a file on disk. SynthEyes sets up a folder for you to use as a phase library.

In this User Manual, we'll provide an overview of how to use phases, and the reference material provides details of the Phase View and the Phase Panel.

For details of all the different kinds of phases, see the separate Phase Reference. You can find it on the SynthEyes's Help menu. The Phase Reference also contains details of the information flowing through the solver pipeline.


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