Applying Image Distortion Maps

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Applying Image Distortion Maps

To apply image distortion maps manually to a shot requires some care:

1. Open the shot to which the map is to be applied.

2. Click Shot/Image Preprocessor or the ‘P’ key to open the image preprocessor.

3. Click the Lens tab.

4. Click the Open button on the Lens tab.

5. Select the image map to be applied. Even if you will be re-distorting footage, select the undistortion map, not the redistortion map!

6. If you want to re-distort rendered footage, go back to the Image Preprocessor’s Lens tab and click the Apply distortion checkbox.

7. Click the Output tab.

8. Enter the image un- or re-distortion map’s resolution and aspect ratio in the New Width, New Height, and New Aspect fields. (Use the 1:1px button if it has square pixels, as we recommend.) Copy or write down the exact aspect value.

9. Here’s the important subtle part: close the image preprocessor then click Shot/Edit Shot. Now set the Image Aspect to the output image aspect recorded in the previous step. (This may change the source image pixel aspect ratio, but don’t worry.) You won’t have to do this if the map has the same resolution as the source images, which is our normal recommendation!)

This last step is a necessary misdirection, because SynthEyes’s resampling engine is carefully constructed to avoid inadvertently changing the image aspect ratio in a way that could squeeze or stretch the image. We avoid that by just claiming that the source image map’s aspect ratio is already the same one we need, and all is good.

©2025 Boris FX, Inc. — UNOFFICIAL — Converted from original PDF.