Automatic Roughing

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Automatic Roughing

SynthEyes can automatically rough the curve into place with a special tool — as long as there is a collection of trackers around the curve (not just one end), such that the trackers and curve are all roughly on the same plane.

When this is the case, shift-select all the trackers you want to use, click the

Rough button on the Flex control panel, then click the curve to be roughed into place.

The Rough Curve Import panel will appear, a simple affair.


The first field asks how many trackers must be valid for the roughing process to continue. In this case, 5 trackers were selected to start. As shown, it will continue even if only one is valid. If the value is raised to 5, the process will stop once any tracker becomes invalid. If only a few trackers are valid (especially less than 4), less useful predictions of the curve shape can be made.

The Key every N frames setting controls how often the curve is keyed. At the default setting of 1, a key will be placed at every frame, which is suitable for a hand-held shot, but less convenient to subsequently refine. For a smooth shot, a value of 10-20 might be more appropriate.

The Rough Curve Importer will start at the current frame, and begin creating keys every so often as specified. It will stop if it reaches the end of the shot, if there are too few trackers still valid, or if it passes by any existing key on the curve. You can take advantage of this last point to “fill in” keys selectively as needed, using different sets of trackers at different times, for example.

After you’ve used the Rough Curve Import tool, you should scrub through the shot to look for any places where additional manual tweaking is required.

The curve may go offscreen or be obscured. If this happens, you can use the curve Enable checkbox to disable the curve. Note that it is OK if the curve goes partly offscreen, as long as there is enough information to locate it while it is onscreen.

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