Basic Operation

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Basic Operation

Constraints are generally created after the overall solve has been done, as a way to fine-tune the path, with the camera in Refine solving mode.

Set up generally proceeds as follows:

1. Go to the Solver Control Panel. Click the more button to bring up the Hard and Soft Lock Control panel. Or, select Solver Locking from the Window menu.

2. Turn on Show Seed Path.

3. Position and animate the camera as desired, creating a key on each frame where you want the position to be constrained. The Get buttons on the solver locking panel, especially Get 1f, can help with this, by pulling positions from any existing solved path.

4. Turn on the L/R, F/B, and/or U/D buttons as appropriate depending on the axes to be constrained — these stand for left/right, front/back, and up/down respectively.

5. Adjust the Constrain checkbox as needed. The camera position constraints behave similarly to constraints on the trackers: if the Constrain checkbox is on, they are enforced exactly during the solve, but if the Constrain checkbox is off, they are enforced only loosely after the completion of the solve. Loosely means that they are satisfied as best as can be, without modifying the trajectory or overall RMS error of the solution.

The result of this process is to make the camera match the X, Y, and/or Z coordinates of the seed path at each key. This basic setup can be used to accomplish a variety of effects, as described above and covered in more detail below. At the end of the section, we’ll show some even more exotic possibilities.

Hint : you can use Synthia or the graph editor's clipboard as additional ways to move keys from the solved camera path to the seed camera path.

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