Canvas Menu (Tracks mode)

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Canvas Menu (Tracks mode)

The canvas menu is obtained by right-clicking (without a drag) within the canvas area. Many of the functions have icons in the main user interface, but the menu can be handy when the toolbars are closed, and it also allows keyboard commands to be set up. There are two submenus, Mode (abbreviated m.) and View Controls (abbreviated v.c.).

m./Select. Go to select-keys mouse mode. m./Time. Go to re-time keys mouse mode. m./Add Keys. Go to add keys mouse mode. m./Delete Keys. Go to delete keys mouse mode. m./To Graph Mode. Change to graph mode.

Reset time axis. Reset the time axis so the entire length of the shot is shown.

Squish vertically. Squish the tracks vertically so they all can be seen. The keys will still be shown and can be selected, though if there are many tracks this may be hard.

Squish with no keys. Squish the tracks vertically, and do not show the keys. Use the simplified hierarchy-type mouse mode to select trackers.

Squish off. Turn off squish mode.

Copy Selected Keys. Copy the selected keys onto the shared graph-editor clipboard. Note: you can only paste in the hierarchy area, because that is where you can and must specify what node/channel the keys should be pasted into.

Cut Selected Keys. Copy the selected keys onto the shared graph-editor clipboard, then delete them.

Delete Selected Keys(all). Deletes selected keys outright, including in shared-key channel groups. Deleting a camera X key will delete keys on Y and Z also. See the graph editor right-click menu for different versions.

Delete Selected Trackers. Deletes selected trackers.

Approximate Keys . Replaces the selected keys with a smaller number that approximate the original curve.

Exactify trackers . Replaces selected tracker position keys with new values based on the solved 3-D position of the tracker—same as the Exact button on the Tracker Panel.

v.c./Lock time to main. The time bar is made to synchronize with the main timebar, for when the graph editor is embedded in a viewport. Not recommended, likely to be substantially changed in the future.

v.c./Colorful background. Show the colorful background indicated whether or not enough trackers are present.

v.c./Remove menu ghosts. Some OpenGL cards do not redraw correctly after a pop- up menu has appeared, this control forces a delayed redraw to remove the ghost. On by default and harmless, but this lets you disable it. This setting is shared throughout SynthEyes and saved as a preference.

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