Checking Stereo Correspondence

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Checking Stereo Correspondence

In a stereo tracking setup, the trackers on each eye may be tracked perfectly, but the track can be a disaster if the trackers on each eye do not track the same feature on each side.

The SimulTrack view can help identify mismatches. Select the Stereo SimulTrack layout, which has two camera views and two SimulTracks. You can select trackers in one camera, and not only will you see the matching trackers in the other camera view (in orange), you will see the active side's tracker on one SimulTrack, and the other side's tracker on the other SimulTrack). The ordering of trackers within each SimulTrack will be the same (driven by the active side), so you can look from one to the other view to identify mismatches.

After you have a reasonable solve, you can also take a look at the error on the trackers to identify mismatches, using the Sort by Error option and the SimulTrack or Graph Editor.

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