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Coalesce Closest in 3-D
Distance. Spinner. Trackers closer than this, with the same color and not having conflicting polarities, can be merged. (Won’t merge white and black spots.) While you adjust this spinner, the merge will be done dynamically and results displayed in the scene and text field for your examination. When you release the spinner, the changes are cancelled.
Coalesce. Button. Applies the coalesce operation to the scene, shows results on the panel also. You can repeatedly coalesce with larger and larger distances if you want, monitoring the results in the viewports. This is a non-modal dialog.
Max # to merge. Spinner. At most this many trackers will be merged away, to prevent unintentional silliness.
Merge regardless of color. Checkbox. Normally, only trackers of the same color can be merged: you can change the color of a tracker to prevent it from being merged, for example. Checking this checkbox defeats this test, allowing all trackers to be merged.
Would merge away… Descriptive text. Shows the tentative or actual number of trackers deleted after being merged into other trackers.
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