Common menu items

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Common menu items

Reset View. The phase view is reset to its fixed default zoom setting and positioning. Fill View. The phase view is reset, sufficiently zoomed out so that all phases are visible. Select All. All phases are selected.

Invert Selection. Selected phases become unselected and vice versa.

Align at same height. The selected phases are aligned at the same vertical position. Align at same width. The selected phases are aligned at the same horizontal position. Library/Copy Phases. The selected phases are copied onto the clipboard, producing

XML that can be pasted into other apps or back into SynthEyes.

Library/Paste Phases. The clipboard's contents (from an earlier Copy Phases) are pasted into the SynthEyes scene and the new phases selected, so that you can easily move them.

Library/Delete Phases. The selected phases are deleted.

Library/Read Phase File. You can select a file containing phases (previously writtenby Write Phase File), and the phases will be reloaded into the current scene.

Library/Write Phase File. All phases are written to a file on disk for later reuse.

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