Constrained Points Viewport

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Constrained Points Viewport

Shows constraints on the trackers on the current camera/object. Seed points will also be shown, even if they aren’t locks (and thus don’t affect the coordinates), if the Show seeds menu item is enabled. See also the Constrained Points section.

Important : trackers shown in red are Zero-weighted-trackers and do not affect the solve, either as a tracker or as a constraint. (Constraints on ZWTs affect the ZWT itself.)

Tip : The Error column shows the 3-D distance error (in “SynthEyes units”) between the solved tracker position and the constrained position. The column header contains the RMS 3-D error distance for all constrained trackers on the current tracker host . This makes it useful as an alternative measure for assessing matches to lidar scenes.

Up-arrow and down-arrow keys scroll through only the constrained (displayed) trackers, unlike in other views where they scroll through all trackers.


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