Controlling Auto-Triangulation

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Controlling Auto-Triangulation

The convert-to-mesh and triangulate tools operate only on selected trackers or vertices, respectively. Usually you will want to select only a subset of the trackers to triangulate. After doing so, you may find that you want to take out some facets and re-

triangulate them differently to better reflect the actual world geometry or your planned use.

You can accomplish that by deleting the offending facets (after selecting them by selecting all their vertices), and then selectively re-triangulating.

The triangulation depends on the direction from which the perspective view camera observes the trackers—it is an essentially 2-D process that works on the view as seen from the camera. You should ensure the camera does not view the group of trackers edge-on, as an unusable triangulation will result. Instead, for trackers on a ground plane, the camera should look down from above.

The triangulator works nicely for trackers and vertices that are roughly planar. When you are working on an convex object such as a head, or even a non-

convex object such as a body scan, you need to isolate a particular subset of vertices that is nearly planar, in order to triangulate them automatically. You can do that using one or more clipping plane(s), which are any well-positioned SynthEyes planes.

The mesh vertex selection tool does not look behind any plane in the workspace, so by positioning a plane right in the middle of an head, say, you can select and work on only those vertices on the face, say. By moving the view and plane around, you can easily select and triangulate any portion of the model.

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