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Customer Care Buttons
Three buttons at right of the toolbar perform Customer Care Center functions such as messages and upgrades:
Msg for messages about new SynthEyes releases, scripts, tutorials, etc.
D/L to show whether there is a new release ready for download, and to initiate that download, and
Sug to open the web browser to a page that allows you to make feature suggestions (be sure to see whether they already exist!).
These features require that you have supplied active support login information, which arrives as part of the SynthEyes permanent license, or directly via the Help/Set Update Info menu item, that you have "Check for Updates" set to Daily or On Startup, and that your system not be blocking SynthEyes from internet access via a firewall.
All the way to the right on the main toolbar you can also find the IA button, which launches the Synthia Instructible Assistant. See the Synthia PDF on the Help menu.
©2025 Boris FX, Inc. — UNOFFICIAL — Converted from original PDF.