Disk Cache Preferences

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Disk Cache Preferences

Aside from the folder location described above, which not only controls the location but whether disk caching is enabled or not at all, there are some additional controls to determine which shots are cached and how much space is allocated to caches. These may be found in the Image Input subsection of the preferences panel. The spinner values are in units of gigabytes (GB), ie 1024*1024*1024 bytes.

Min disk-cache shot Shots must require a cache at least this big to be cached. There's no point caching a shot that fits easily in RAM.

Max disk-cache shot Shots must be less than this size to be cached. Defaults to 50 GB. This is just a reference value; if you are working with large 4K shots you may need to increase it.

Maximum disk-cache size The maximum total size of all the files in the disk cache. Old disk cache files will be deleted to stay under this maximum size.

Defaults to 250 GB. You will almost certainly need to set this to correspond better to the size of the disk containing the disk cache. If you are dedicating an SSD or hard drive as a disk cache, allow 5- 10 GB of margin.

Cache only 8-Bit versions When set, all shots will be disk-cached at 8 bits per channel bit depth, regardless of their original depth, to reduce disk cache space and improve speed. When this checkbox is off, shots are cached at the bit depth of the original images. See the following section for more information.

Note that disk cache files are created at the required final size. You cannot determine how much of the cache has been loaded by looking at the (BAFF) file in your operating system... see the Shot/Edit Shot panel's Memory Status area.

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