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Error Curve Mini-View
The error curve mini-view is at the bottom right of the user interface. It shows key information about the solve at a glance, and quickly identify areas of the shot requiring further work.
With no trackers selected (control/command-D), it shows the average error on each frame, and the overall scene error (from the summary panel). In this case the numeric value is labeled "HPIX".
With one or more trackers selected, the maximum error of any of the selected trackers is shown for each frame, as well as the overall maximum error. Here, the maximum error is labeled "hpix" (to make the type of display more apparent).
When a non-hybrid GeoH-tracked object is selected, the error is a percentage value from 0% (good) to 100% (bad).
Both the curve and numeric value are color-coded green, yellow, or red, according to preferences set in the User Interface section.
Important : the maximum curves identify short-term hotspots that cause glitches, but they may have little effect on overall average solve quality. Fixing all hotspots may leave large overall errors, eg from lens distortion. Shots that are good on average may have isolated bad spots that create small visible glitches in final renders. So you should examine both average and maximum errors!
The current frame is identified with a small dotted vertical bar. If you see a hotspot, you can click or drag in the error curve mini-view to go (approximately) to that frame. Use the graph editor to locate particular issues (keep reading).
The error curve mini-view shows the playback range (ie the portion between the two small green and red triangles in the main timebar). You can adjust the playback
range to zoom the error curve display into a specific portion. Right-double-clicking the error curve mini-view will reset the playback range to the entire shot.
In large shots (thousands of frames and trackers), it may take some time to generate the error curve mini-view. You can turn on the "Error View only for sole tracker" preference (again in the User Interface section), and then the display will be shown only when a single tracker is selected—with the exception that if you select all of the trackers, then the average information will be shown (ie equivalent to having no trackers selected when this checkbox is off).
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