Exportable Flags

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Exportable Flags

MultiExport offers exportable flags so you can precisely include or exclude certain items (trackers, meshes, cameras, etc.) for each exporter in your pipeline. This is particularly useful when you want different exporters to handle different subsets of data (e.g., only selected trackers for Nuke, but all trackers for After Effects).

Note: The normal scene-level exporter flags are seen as E or e/ in the Hierarchy VIew, or via the Exportable checkbox on the 3-D Panel.

In the MultiExport Configuration, you’ll see two lists under Override exportable flags during this export as follows:

Exported (thumbs up) : Items here are forced to export, regardless of their normal scenelevel flag.

Not exported (thumbs down) : Items here are forced not to export.

By default, unlisted items follow the main scene’s exportable settings.

Use the +Selected button next to Exported or Not exported to move the currently-selected items into that list, or select them directly in the drop-down list.

Swap flips all items between the two lists.

TIP: If you only set these flags here in Multi Export, they apply just to this export stage. Once you leave the configuration, your main scene remains unchanged. To write these changes back to the actual SynthEyes scene data

– to visualize them or so other exports or singleexport operations also adopt them – click Apply Exported flags .

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