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File Menu
New. Create a new scene, opening the Shot/Add Shot dialog to supply initial imagery. (Saves any existing scene first.)
Open. Open an existing .sni file.
Merge. Merges a previously-written SynthEyes .sni scene file with the currently-open one, including shots, objects, trackers, meshes, etc. Most elements are automatically assigned unique names to avoid conflicts, but a dialog box lets you select whether or not trackers are assigned unique names.
Save. Saves the scene to the current file name (asks if there is none).
Save Next Version. Increments the current file name, saves the scene to the new name.
Save a Copy. Asks for a file name, saves the scene there, then resumes using the original file name.
Save As. Asks for a file name, saves the scene there, then continues using that new filename as the filename for the scene.
Close. Closes the current scene, leaving an empty scene. Mostly useful to create an empty scene for importing a filmbox etc scene into.
Import/Shot. Clears the scene and opens the Shot/Add Shot dialog, if there are no existing shots, or adds an additional shot if one or more shots are already present.
Import/Mesh. Imports a DXF, Alias/Wavefront OBJ, SynthEyes SBM, or PTS or XYZ Lidar mesh file.
Import/Reload mesh. Reloads the selected mesh, if any. If the original file is no longer accessible, allows a new location to be selected.
Import/Replace mesh. With a single mesh selected, opens the file picker to select a new mesh file (of any type) to be read, replacing the existing vertices, faces, normals, and texture coordinates. Other parameters of the mesh, such as its position and scaling, are unaffected. Use this to replace a heavy mesh with a decimated proxy, for example. Note that this is unwise for GeoH tracking where the vertices have been lassoed, painted, or airbrushed, as the changing mesh will require that the GeoH weights be cleared.
Import/Tracker Locations. Imports a text file composed of lines: x_value y_value z_value Tracker_name. For each line, if there is an existing tracker with that name, its seed position is set to the coordinates given. If there is no tracker with that name, a new one is created with the specified seed coordinates. Use to import a set of seed locations from a pre-existing object model or set measurements, for example. New trackers use settings from the tracker panel, if it is open. See the section on merging files.
Import/Extra Points. Imports a text file consisting of lines with x, y, and z values, each line optionally preceded or followed by an optional point name. A helper point is created for each line. The points might have been determined from on-set surveying, for example; this option allows them to be viewed for comparison. See the section on merging files.
Export. Submenu with many exporters to select from!
Find New Scripts. Causes SynthEyes to locate any new scripts that have been placed in the script folder since SynthEyes started, making them available to be run.
Tidy Up Scripts . Opens the Tidy Up Scripts dialog to look for redundant older scripts in the user or system script area.
Export Again. Redoes the last export, saving time when you are exporting repeatedly to your CG application.
Multi-Export . Brings up the Multiple Export Configuration dialog to configure multiple exports.
Export All. Run all the enabled exporters on the Multi-Export panel.
Exporter Outputs. Opens the Exports preference folder.
Project Selector . Manage project-level presets that specify all the settings.
Project Tag Manager . Manage all the folder-location preferences in one easy-to-see and -edit overview.
File Info. Shows the full file name of the current file, its creation and last-written times, full file names for all loaded shots, file names for all imported meshes (and the time they were imported), and file names for mesh textures (being extracted or only displayed). Plus, allows you to add your own descriptive information to be stored in the file.
User Data Folder. Opens the folder containing preferences, the batch, script, downloads, and preview movie folders, etc.
Make New Language Template. Creates a new XML file for user editing to customize SynthEyes's dialogs and menus for non-English display. Enter the name of the language, as it is to appear on the preferences panel, then select a file in which to store the XML data (to be visible to SynthEyes, it must be in the system or user script folders).
Submit for Tracking and Solving, Submit for Tracking, Submit for Solving . The current scene is submitted for batch processing by writing it into the queue area. It will not be processed until the Batch Processor is running, and there are no jobs before it. Mask ML processing will be initiated automatically if there are any layers configured that haven’t been fully output.
Submit for Render. The current scene is submitted for batch processing: the Save Sequence process will be run on the active shot to write out the re-processed image sequence to disk as a batch task. Use the Save Sequence dialog to set up the output file and compression settings first, close it without saving, then Submit for Batch. You will be asked whether or not to output both image sequences simultaneously for stereo. Other multiple-shot renderings can be obtained by Sizzle scripting, or by submitting the same file several times with different shots active.
Batch Process. SynthEyes opens the batch processing window and begins processing any jobs in the queue.
Batch Input Queue. Opens a Windows Explorer/Finder to the batch input queue folder, so that the queue can be examined, and possibly jobs removed or added.
Batch Output Queue. Opens a Windows Explorer/Finder to the batch output queue folder, where completed jobs can be examined or moved to their final destinations.
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