File Sequences

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File Sequences

Cinema DNG sequences are a little different from SynthEyes's normal image

sequences, so we list them here:

The filenames shall include a sequencing field that is at the same position and of the same length for all filenames.

The sequencing field shall contain characters 0 through 9 only. A file whose filename contains other characters in the location of the sequencing field (including sign, period, comma, or space) shall not be part of this sequence.

The sequencing field shall be a run of at least four decimal characters in the filename. When more than one such run exists in the filename, the sequencing field shall be the run closest to the end of the filename.

Omitted intermediate numbers shall indicate corresponding missing frames.

For example, in the filename bridge_0812.1136.day13.dng, "1136" is the sequencing field.

By contrast, a normal SynthEyes sequence field can be fixed length or steadily increase, is always located at the end of the file name, and any missing frame ends the sequence. If the usual SynthEyes rules are desired for DNG sequences, turn off the Cinema DNG rules preference in the Image Input section, then open the file to produce a normal IFL file. The preference can then be turned back on.

Tip : To facilitate later editorial changes and compatibility with other software, you should always open the first file in a DNG sequence.

DNG files can be opened as 8-bit integer, 16-bit integer, or 32-bit floating point files. The 32-bit format is the most accurate.

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