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Tip: Once you've read this, see separate section on how to get the exported data into Fusion in Davinci Resolve .
There are several Fusion-compatible exporters.
Fusion Composition exports a full 3D scene setup with multiple cameras, lens distortion, point clouds, moving objects, all meshes including imported, mesh textures, planar trackers, animated illumination etc. If it is a 360VR scene, a 360VR camera complex will be assembled in Fusion. The exported comp can be opened directly in Fusion—you have the option to have Fusion started automatically. Or, you can ask for the comp to be put on the clipboard, where you can paste it into any comp in Fusion. The controls are discussed below.
The Fusion Composition exporter can output most advanced lens distortion to a Fusion LensDistort node, without using STmaps. (STmaps are required for fisheye types.) It cannot currently handle anamorphic distance compensation, which requires vertex caches.
Fusion 360VR Stabilization exports a stabilized 360VR scene to Fusion, so that Fusion can do the actual pixel-munging portion of it, plus any other desired compositing. Again, the comp can be put on the clipboard.
Many Tracker Nodes and Shared Tracker Node scripts send (via paste) 2-D or 3-D tracking data to Fusion in the form of one or more Trackers nodes, see below.
Fusion Corner Pin exports the planar trackers on the current camera as 2-D corner pins in Fusion. The currently-selected planar trackers are exported, or all of them if none are selected. Resize, cornerposition, and merge nodes are generated for each
planar. The controls are a subset of the 3D export's controls, discussed below, plus a selector for Bilinear or Perspective mapping in the corner pin(s). Again, the comp can be put on the clipboard.
Important : The resize in the Corner Pin export is required so that imagery of any resolution can be pinned into the main flow, due to how the fusion cornerposition node works. The resize can be eliminated only if the image being pinned is the same resolution as the main flow.
There is a less capable legacy 3D comp exporter for Fusion 5 (in the “Older” export submenu), and a generic 2-D path ".dfmo" exporter.
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