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Fusion Composition Export Controls
This exporter has many controls. Fortunately, the Defaults will be good in most cases, and you can adjust a smaller number of settings after that.
Timeline setup. Selector: Active part starts at ..., Entire shot starts at..., or Match Image frame numbers. Controls which portion of the incoming shot is placed at the Starting frame#. Match Frames makes the placement match the image sequence's frame numbers; equivalent to Entire shot for movies..
Starting Frame#. Number. This is starting frame number for the shot in Fusion, if either the active or entire Timeline setups are selected; ignored otherwise.
Project Color Depth. Dropdown. Sets the color depth (bits per channel) for the project.
You can change this later in Fusion, this just sets it up for you initially.
Force Interactive to 8 bpc. Checkbox. When set, interactive previews will be done at 8 bits per channel. If off, they will use the project channel setting.
HiQ on by default. Checkbox. Controls the HiQ setting at bottom right of Fusion.
Renderable trackers. Checkbox. Controls the Make Renderable checkbox on the PointCloud3D nodes, ie the tracker axis markers will be visible in renderers and viewports. Useful initially, but not for final renders.
Use PointCloud3Ds. Checkbox. Normally on, producing PointCloud3D nodes. When off, many Locator3Ds will be produced, which has additional features such as tracker colors. Turn this off only if there are few exportable trackers (ie turn off exportable for most).
Max. Exported Trackers. Number. Limit the number of exported tracker layers to this. Randomly-selected unconstrained trackers are turned off to get under this limit if possible. Set the value to zero to disable.
Relative tracker size. Number. Sets the size of the marker for trackers, as a multiple of the object's world size.
Planars as planes. Checkbox. When on, 3D planar trackers will be exported as actual planes, so that a texture image (ie sign replacement) can easily be added. When off, planar trackers are treated as normal trackers.
Use LensDistort node. Checkbox. Use Fusion’s LensDistort node when possible to handle distortion, including animated distortion, instead of STmaps.
Allow solver distortion. Checkbox. Permits distortion to be exported directly from the solver without running the Lens Workflow script, using overscan rendering permitted by (and requiring) the LensDistort node. When off, the presence of solver distortion will trigger a workflow warning message, as normally you should be running the Lens Workflow.
Maya Overscan %. Number. When using a zero-pass overscan workflow, the overscan in Fusion, Maya, and Nuke must be identical. One way to achieve that, and keep the images to a uniform size, is to enter the same overriding overscan percentage in this field in all exporters. If this value is zero, a minimal value overscan will be computed, which should be identical in the exporters, and the amount of overscan will vary depending on the distortion in each shot
Maximum rounding error. Number. Fraction of a pixel. For zero-pass workflows, the maximum permitted error, in pixels, as the exporter selects padded image sizes that best maintain the original image’s aspect ratio. Any changes to that aspect ratio create small errors that reduce the match's accuracy. For example, a 16:9 image will keep that exact aspect ratio if the horizontal resolution is increased by a multiple of 16, and the vertical resolution is increased by that same multiple of
9. For some irregular image sizes, the size may have to increase by a large
amount to maintain the aspect ratio. If the padded size is much too large, slowly increase the allowable Maximum rounding error (0.01? 0.02?, 0.05?, 0.1?), permitting a slight mismatch to reduce size. Use the same value in the Maya, Fusion, and Nuke exporters! Values over 0.5 suppress aspect-maintaining padding as any number can then be rounded to an integer.
Use Texture Node. Checkbox. When enabled and STmaps are required, a Fusion Texture node is used for distortion removal and application. When off, a Custom Tool is used. The Texture node may be faster depending on your machine, but if you need to warp an alpha channel you must use the Custom tool.
STMap file type . Selector. Selects the image file type written to control undistortion and redistortion nodes when Include distortion fixes is set. Requires 16-bit or floating channel data to be written, read more about image distortion maps .
Relative screen distance. Number. Sets the distance from the camera to the image plane holding the source imagery in the 3D environment, as a multiple of the object's world size.
Use Fusion meshes. Checkbox. When set, simple meshes will be exported using Fusion's builtin Shape3D node. When not set, all meshes are exported as OBJs and read with an FBX node, enhancing consistency with SynthEyes grid counts and UV coordinates, etc.
Wireframe by default. Checkbox. When set, meshes will be configured for wireframe rendering. When off, they will be solid (by Fusion default).
Full mesh filenames. Checkbox. When set, a full absolute file pathname will be generated for output FBX files, which is good for processing with Deadline, but bad for portability to other user’s systems. When off, a comp-relative pathname is generated.
Force spotlights. Checkbox. When set, SynthEyes point and directional lights will be exported to Fusion as spotlights. This is useful because Fusion can only do shadowing for spotlights. However, if you do this, you may need to reposition directional lights (not reaim!), and reaim point lights (not reposition!) to ensure that as a spotlight they illuminate the correct area.
Include ambient. Checkbox. Turn this on to create an ambient light in the Fusion 3D scene, initialized from the SynthEyes ambient light setting.
Animate FL, not FOV. Checkbox. When set, the focal length is animated in fusion. Normally, when the checkbox is clear, the field of view is animated. Standard caveat applies: focal lengths are half a number, useless unless you know the exact sensor (back plate) size, which you don't. So FOV is preferred.
OpenGL renderer. Checkbox. When set, the OpenGL renderer is used for the Renderer3D node, if not set, the software renderer is used.
Include 360 viewer. Checkbox. When set, 360VR shots will include some “viewing” components to facilitate checking.
Remove path prefix. Text. When this text appears at the beginning of a path, for example an image name, it is removed. Use the add and remove path prefixes to retarget the exported file to a different machine, for example remove "/Volumes/SHOTS" and add "S:" to go from Mac to PC, or use them to change from local to network drives.
Add path prefix. Text. Whenever the path prefix above is removed, this prefix will be added.
Export to clipboard? Checkbox. When checked, the scene will be put on the clipboard, where you can paste it into Fusion or Resolve. This allows you to paste a modified export into your existing comp, and might be quicker than closing and reopening a scene.
Open the exported file. Checkbox. When set, SynthEyes will launch a new Fusion that opens the just-exported comp. Not that helpful for repeated reopening due to Fusion's extended launch time.
Custom Fusion location. Text/File field. This selects the version of Fusion that gets started, either the .exe on Windows, the .app on Mac, or the executable on Linux.
Include prefs/comments. Checkbox. When checked, includes additional scene setup information (recommended).
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