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If an actor or a hard-to-model object is moving in front of the mesh being extracted, you can instead set up an animated garbage matte to exclude that area.
Important : you will need to set up (un-moving) garbage mattes for black edges or corners of the image. If you do not, you will have large black artifacts in a trail through your texture!
The garbage mattes are set up with SynthEyes's roto system, which is normally used to control the automatic tracker. By the time you get to texture extraction, the time for that use is well passed, and you can add additional garbage mattes or remove existing ones without any ill effect.
To make the texture extraction for a particular mesh sensitive to the garbage splines, turn on the Blocked by Garbage Splines checkbox. (The control defaults to off to prevent many needless examinations of the complex animated spline shapes.) You can animate the spline's enable control on the roto panel if needed.
Tip : don't forget to turn on Blocked by Garbage Splines!
As with its normal use, the garbage mattes set up for texture extraction do not have to be particularly exact, they can be quick and dirty. For tracking mattes, don't forget to use the Import Tracker to CP (control point) capability.
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