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Grid Submenu
Show Grid. Toggle. Turns grid display on and off in this perspective window. Keyboard: ‘G’ key.
Move Grid. Mouse mode. Left-dragging will slide the grid along its normal mode, for example, allowing you to raise or lower a floor grid.
Floor Grid, Back Grid, Left Side Grid, Ceiling Grid, Front Grid, Right Side Grid.
Puts the grid on the corresponding wall of a virtual room (stage), normally viewed from the front. The grids are described this way so that they are not affected by the current coordinate system selection.
To Facet/Verts/Trkrs. Aligns the grid using an edit-mesh facet, 1 to 3 edit-mesh vertices, if a mesh is open for editing, or 1 to 3 trackers otherwise. This is a very important operation for detail work. With 3 points selected, the grid is the plane that contains those 3 points, centered between them, aligned to preserve the global upwards direction. With 2 points selected, the current grid is spun to make its “sideways” axis aligned with the two points (in Z up mode, the X axis is made parallel to the two points). With 1 point selected, the grid is moved to put its center at that point. Often it will be useful to use this item 3 times in a row, first with 3 then with 2 and finally 1 vertex or tracker selected.
Return to custom grid. Use a custom grid set up earlier by To Facet/Verts/Trkrs. The custom grid is shared between perspective windows, so you can define it in one window, and use it in one or more others as well.
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