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Handling Shots with Changing IOD and/or Vergence
When the inter-ocular distance or vergence changes during the shot, it may be desirable to clean up the curve to reduce chatter. Since inter-ocular distances are typically small, there will be some chatter most of the time, especially if the shot is difficult. It is especially desirable to reduce the chatter if new CG objects are being added close to the camera, as is often the case.
When the vergence or distance is changing rapidly, any chatter will be difficult to see. It is most useful to squash any jitter while the vergence or distance is stationary, and allow it to change freely only while it is actively changing.
Conveniently, the Distance and Verge Hold controls allow you to do exactly that.
The parameter must be set to Varying mode to enable the Hold (and Lock) controls. You can animate the respective Hold button to be on during the frames when the respective parameter is fixed, and keep the Hold off when the parameter is changing. (It is better to Hold on too few frames than too many.)
After solving a shot, you may want to create a specific IOD or vergence curve. You can animate it directly, or create it with Approximate Keys in the graph editor. Use Vary mode and animate a Lock to get lock only some frames, or use Known mode to lock then entire shot if the whole curve is known.
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