Hierarchy Area

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Hierarchy Area

The middle-mouse scroll wheel scrolls the hierarchy area vertically.

Disclosure Triangle. image . Click to expose or hide the node/nodes/tracks under this node.

Visibility. image . Show or do not show the node (tracker or mesh) in the viewports.

Color. image . Has the following modes for trackers; only the last applies to other node types:

shift-click to add trackers with this color to the selection set,

control-click on the color square of an unselected tracker to select all trackers of this color,

control-click on the color square of a selected tracker to unselect all trackers of this color, or

double-click to set the color of the node (tracker or mesh).

Lock. image . Lock or unlock the tracker.

Enable. image . Tracker or spline enable or disable.

Node/Channel Name. Selected nodes have a white background. Only some types of nodes can be selected, corresponding to what can be selected in SynthEyes’s viewports. The channel name is underlined when it is keyed on the current frame.

In the following list, keep in mind that only one of most objects can be selected at a time; only trackers can be multi-selected.

click or drag to select one node (updating all the other views),

control-click or drag to toggle the selection,

control-shift-drag to clear a range of selections,

shift-click to select an additional tracker,

shift-click an already-selected tracker to select the range of trackers from this one to the nearest selected one, or

double-click to change the name of a node (if allowed).

Include in Composite. image . When on (as shown), keys on this track are included in the composite track of its parent (and possibly in the grandparent, great-grandparent, etc). The ‘off’ key of an enable track is never included on a composite track.

©2025 Boris FX, Inc. — UNOFFICIAL — Converted from original PDF.