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Hierarchy Area
Disclosure Triangle.
. Click to expose or hide the node/nodes/tracks under this node.
. Show or do not show the node (tracker or mesh) in the viewports.
Color (node).
. Has the following modes for trackers; only the last applies to other node types:
shift-click to add trackers with this color to the selection set,
control-click on the color square of an unselected tracker to select all trackers of this color,
control-click on the color square of a selected tracker to unselect all trackers of this color, or
double-click to set the color of the node (tracker or mesh).
. Lock or unlock the tracker.
. Tracker or spline enable or disable.
Node/Channel Name. Selected nodes have a white background. Only some types of nodes can be selected, corresponding to what can be selected in SynthEyes’s viewports. The channel name is underlined when it is keyed on the current frame.
In the following list, keep in mind that only one of most objects can be selected at a time; only trackers can be multi-selected.
click or drag to select one node (updating all the other views),
control-click or drag to toggle the selection,
control-shift-drag to clear a range of selections,
shift-click to select an additional tracker,
shift-click an already-selected tracker to select the range of trackers from this one to the nearest selected one, or
double-click to change the name of a node (if allowed).
Show Channel(s).
. When on (as shown), the channel’s graph is drawn in the canvas area. On a node, controls all the channels of the node, and the control may
have the on state shown, a partially-shown state (fainter with no middle dot), or may be off (hollow, no green or dot).
Zoom Channel.
. Controls the vertical zoom of this channel, and all others of the same type: they are always zoomed the same to keep the values comparable.
Left-click to see all related channels (their zoom icons will light up) and see the zero level of the channel in the canvas area, and see the range of values displayed on the status line.
Left-drag to change the scale. It will change the offset to keep the data visible—hold the ALT key to keep the data visible over the entire length of the shot.
Right-click to reset the zoom and offsets to their initial values.
Double-click to auto-zoom each channel in the same group so that they have the same scale and same offsets. Compare to double-clicking the pan icon.
Shift-double-click auto-zooms all displayed channels, not just this group.
Alt-double-click auto-zooms over the entire length of the shot, not just the currently-displayed portion. Can be combined with shift.
Pan Channel.
. Pans all channels of this type vertically.
Left-click to see the zero level of the channel in the canvas, and to show the minimum/maximum values displayed on the status line.
Left-drag to pan the channels vertically.
Right-click to reset the offset to zero.
Double-click to auto-zoom each channel in the same group so that they have the same scale but different offsets. Compare to double-clicking the zoom icon.
Shift-double-click auto-zooms all displayed channels, not just this group.
Alt-double-click auto-zooms over the entire length of the shot, not just the currently-displayed portion. Can be combined with shift.
Color (channel).
. Controls the color of this channel, as drawn in the canvas:
double-click to change the color for this exact node and channel only, for example, only for Tracker23,
shift-double-click to change the preference for all channels of this type, or
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