How to Export from SynthEyes

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How to Export from SynthEyes

The 3DE4 exporter is a standard SynthEyes exporter; start File/Export/TDE4 Data File Export.

exporter control panel screen capture

As the description of the parameters below makes apparent, while you may have been given a proxy movie for use with SynthEyes, 3D Equalizer only works with image sequences. Accordingly, the exporter helps get the right sequence set up in 3D Equalizer. The exporter also helps translate filenames from one environment to another. Since you may not always have the full information when exporting, the same controls exist on the 3DE4 importer.

Re-import when possible: If a mesh was imported into SynthEyes and that filename is available, tell 3DE4 to import that mesh file (subject to the file prefix replacement scheme below), instead of embedding it in this .syd file. If the mesh was edited in SynthEyes, use 'Script/Mesh/Remove import filename' to force it to be embedded.

Use Movie 1st frame#: Determines how the starting frame number of a sequence is determined, when a shot is a (proxy) movie. If ON, use the Movie 1st frame# field (and append it to the filename). If OFF, pulls a number from the end of the movie's filename, ie the proxy movie is named after the first image of the sequence.

Movie 1st frame#: When a shot is a (proxy) movie in SynthEyes, and Use 1st frame# is on, this value will be used as the starting frame # of the actual real sequence.

Include the correct number of leading zeroes!

Movies become: When a shot is a proxy movie in SynthEyes, change the filename for the sequence in 3DE4 to this extension, for example .jpg or .exr.

Remove path prefix: To help when files are moved from machine to machine, this Remove path prefix is removed from file names, and the Add path prefix is added. These affect shot file names, mesh object file names, and mesh texture file names. Example: remove “M:\Users\Russ\Shots\”

Add path prefix: To help when files are moved from machine to machine, the Remove path prefix is removed from file names, and this Add path prefix is added. These affect shot file names, mesh object file names, and mesh texture file names.

Example: add “/Volumes/Shots/”

Extra Scaling: Extra scaling factor (multiplier) applied to the entire scene, typically to convert from SynthEyes units to a different coordinate system.

Combine to vertices: Controls whether rotation and/or scaling are merged into the vertex coordinates of each exported mesh. Should be left at None in most cases.

Send clipping planes: When on, the SynthEyes near and far clipping plane distances (from Edit/Scene Settings) are exported. These are typically tighter than 3DE4's defaults.

The execution time of the script will depend on whether or not large meshes must be embedded. When large set or lidar meshes have been supplied by the shot's originator, using the “Re-import when possible” option will save time and disk space, instead of sending them back their own file. When the re-import option applies to a mesh, rather than including the mesh data in the .syd file, the .syd file tells 3DE4 to import (read) the original .obj (etc) file on that 3DE4 machine.

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