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Initial Conversion to Unicode
Preferences. If you’ve previously used SynthEyes 2102 or earlier on your machine, when you first open a newer version, your preferences will be converted from the Windows-1252/ISO-8859-1 character set to Unicode UTF-8 format (except on Linux machines, which have been Unicode all along). This may be a problem on Windows if you’ve previously used characters from a different character set in your SynthEyes preferences, as they won’t be converted correctly. You’ll need to re-set those preferences, most likely the default folder assignments.
Important : If you’ve used non-ASCII characters in auxiliary files such as to name your view or tool layouts, shot presets, those will have to be manually re-set to use the correct UTF-8 characters. Due to prior limited internationalization, that isn’t very likely.
SynthEyes .sni Files . Similarly, when you open an older SynthEyes .sni file, text strings in it, including file and tracker names etc, are converted to UTF-8 format. By default, conversion will take place from Windows-1252/ISO-8859-1, but if the file is coming from someone who named things using non-ASCII characters from a different code page on Windows, you can (perhaps temporarily) alter the originating code page using a preference in the File Open section. The code page specification is a number, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/intl/code-page-identifiers The full set of code page conversions is available only on Windows. On macOS and Linux, the only valid setttings are 1252 and 65001 (for UTF-8). You can use this setting to convert or not convert incoming files on Linux, for example.
©2025 Boris FX, Inc. — UNOFFICIAL — Converted from original PDF.