If the click was on a phase

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Jog selected phases/Jog Left or Right or Up or Down . (4 items) The selected phases are moved slightly in the specified direction. These items are here mainly so you can easily find the key accelerators for them.

If the click was on a phase

Set color. Brings up the color selection for the right-clicked phase, as if it was selected and the color swatch on the phase view clicked.

Set as root. The right-clicked phase is set to be the root.

Connect to selected. A wire is created from the right-clicked phase to the selected phases, either their first unconnected input, or if they have only one input, to that one.

Disconnect from selected. Any wire from the right-clicked phase's inputs or outputs to any selected phase is removed.

Run this. The right-clicked phase (and any it needs) are solved immediately.

Run all. Runs the scene, starting at the root.

Retrieve from this. The solve results of the right-clicked phase are loaded into the overall scene for examination (as if it was the root). The right-clicked phase should already be solved. If not, you will be asked whether you wish to solve it or cancel.

Un-solve this. The right-clicked phase is marked as not solved.

Un-solve. All selected phases, or all phases if none, are marked as not solved.

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