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Lens Tab
Get Solver FOV. Button. Imports the field of view determined by a SynthEyes solve cycle, or previously hand-animated on the main SynthEyes lens panel, placing these field of view values into the stabilizer’s FOV track.
Field of View. Spinner. Horizontal angular field of view in degrees. Animatable. Separate from the solver’s FOV track, as found on the main Lens panel.
Focal Length. Spinner. Camera focal length, based on the field of view and sensor (back plate) width shown below it. Since sensor size is rarely accurately known, use the field of view value wherever possible.
Sensor. Text display. Shows the effective sensor (back plate) size in millimeters and inches. To change it, close the Image Prep dialog, and select the Shot/Edit Shot menu item.
Get Solver Distort. Button. Brings the distortion coefficient from the main Lens panel into the image prep system’s distortion track. Note that while the main lens distortion can not be animated, this image prep distortion can be. This button imports the single value, clearing any other keys. You will be asked if you want to remove the distortion from the main lens panel, you should usually answer yes to avoid double-distortion.
Distortion. Spinner. Removes this much distortion from the image. You can determine this coefficient from the alignment lines on the SynthEyes Lens panel, then transfer it to this Image Preprocessor spinner. Do this BEFORE beginning tracking. Can be animated.
Cubic Distort. Spinner. Adjusts more-complex (higher-order) distortion in the image. Use to fine-tune the corners after adjusting the main distortion at the middle of the top, bottom, left, and right edges. Can be animated. (Note: Nuke supports quartic but not cubic distortion terms.)
Quartic Distort. Spinner. Adjusts more-complex (higher-order) distortion in the image. Use to fine-tune the corners after adjusting the main distortion at the middle of the top, bottom, left, and right edges. Can be animated.
Scale. Spinner. Enlarges or reduces the image to compensate for the effect of the distortion correction. Can be animated.
Lens Selection. Dropdown. Select a lens distortion profile or image map to apply (instead of the Distortion/Cubic/etc Distort values), or none at all. These curve selections can help you solve fisheye and other complex wide-angle shots, with proper advance calibration.
Open. Button. Brings up a file selector to use a specific lens distortion profile or image map file anywhere on disk (not just in the user or system preset areas).
Reload. Button. Reloads the currently-selected lens profile from disk. This will flush all the frames that use the old version of the profile when the image preprocessor panel is closed. File/Find New Scripts will reload any lens profile that has changed.
Nominal BPW. Text field, invisible when empty. A nominal sensor (back plate) width value supplied by the lens profile, use at your discretion.
Nominal FL. Text field, invisible when empty. A nominal focal length supplied by the lens profile, use at your discretion.
Apply distortion. Checkbox. Normally the distortion, scale, and cropping specified are removed from the shot in preparation for tracking. When this checkbox is turned on, the distortion, scale, and cropping are applied instead, typically to reapply distortion to externally-rendered shots to be written to disk for later compositing. When being turned on, the Output Tab's New Width, Height, and Aspect settings should be configured to those of the original footage, and the main aspect ratio (on the Shot Settings) should be set to that of the images to which the distortion is being applied, ie what the image preprocessor was previously outputting. Also if the VR Mode was Remove, it should be changed to Apply. These settings changes are all done automatically by using Shot/Change Shot Images and selecting the Re-distort CGI---change to Apply option.
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