macOS Retina Mode

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macOS Retina Mode

High-DPI monitors should go pretty smoothly on macOS, including moving views among standard- and high-DPI monitors (such as from a retina laptop to a standard monitor) or changing the mode of a display.

Again, be sure that your display resolution is appropriate, typically with either “Default for display” selected in the monitor settings, or the native display resolution selected if “Scaled” is selected. Other values will result in fuzziness.

Tip : If your monitor has 1920 pix horizontal resolution (originally or after dividing by two for high DPI), the top area of SynthEyes may be wide enough to force a two-line organization that takes up some more real estate. You can get to the single-line layout by turning off Show Undo/Redo/Save in the User Interface preferences (more mac-like anyway, if less convenient). Or, reduce the UI font size.

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