Master Controls

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Master Controls

All. Button. Turn on or off all of the position and rotation locks. Shift-right-click to truncate keys past the current frame. Control-right-click to clear all keys leaving the object un-locked.

Master weight. Spinner. Set keys on all position and rotation soft-lock weights. Shift- right-click to truncate keys past the current frame. Control-right-click to clear all keys (any locked frames will be hard locks).

Back Key. image Button. Skip backwards to the previous frame with a lock enable or weight key (but not seed path key).

Forward Key. image Button. Skip forward to the next frame with a lock enable or weight key (but not seed path key).

Show. Button. When on, the seed path is shown in the main viewports, not the seed path. Also, the seed field of view/focal length is shown on the Lens Control panel, instead of the solved value.

Zero-weighted frame. Animated checkbox. The indicated frames will result in a camera/object solution on that frame, but the frame will not affect the 3D position of the trackers. For use on low-quality frames, eg subject to motion blur or requiring much locking.

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