More About Toolbars

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More About Toolbars

The perspective window has its own type of toolbars, which bring items from its extensive right-click menus into an easier-to-access format: currently these are Mouse, Mode, Mesh, Linking, Paint, Create, View, Texturing, and Grid. These toolbars can only overlay the perspective window; they cannot float free, and they cannot contain scripts. They are opened using the Toolbars submenu on the perspective right-click menu.

Toolbar buttons that correspond to mouse modes will be displayed with a blue background when the mouse mode is active.

The title slot of each menu may be dragged to reposition the menu bar, or double-clicked to change it from horizontal to vertical format. The reddish square closes the toolbar until it is reopened.

When you resize the perspective window, toolbars get mapped to new locations, though this can work out poorly when many items are displayed or the new window is small—you may need to rearrange them manually to taste.

Most items are described as part of the perspective right-click menus.The mouse mode items have additional functionality, as described above. The Paint toolbar contains a few extra slots that are the parameters of the paint operations, such as the width and opacity function of the brush.

Using the Save as Defaults item on the Toolbars submenu will store the current toolbar positions and status for use as defaults for following SynthEyes runs in the per- user pertool14.xml file.

Knowledgeable users can hand-edit the pertool14.xml file (or camtool14.xml for the camera view) to alter or add new toolbars if they follow the format carefully.

©2025 Boris FX, Inc. — UNOFFICIAL — Converted from original PDF.