Playbar (at bottom)

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Playbar (at bottom)

Prepset Manager. Button. Opens the PrepSet Manager as a subwindow to the Image Preprocessor, giving a full set of controls for managing, reading, and writing prepsets for sharing between files. Opened from this button, the PrepSet Manager is modal and must be closed before continuing work in the image preprocessor. The PrepSet Manager can also be opened from the main Shot menu as a floating dialog, though, like other windows, it cannot be accessed while the modal Image Preprocessor is open.

No prepset. Drop-down. Quick menu for selecting a prepset; also has a small menu with a subset of the PrepSet Manager commands.

No prepset. Disconnect the live settings from the currently-active prepset; further changes on the panel will not affect the prepset.

New prepset. Create and attach to a new prepset. You will be prompted for the name of the new prepset, a description for the PrepSet Manager, and for what subsystem settings the prepset controls.

Reset. Resets the image preprocessor and current prepset (if any) to the initial settings, which do nothing to the image.

Rename/Alter. Prompt for a new name, description, and settings configuration for the current prepset.

Delete. Delete the current prepset. The image preprocessor settings are unaffected.


Your prepsets. Selecting your prepset will activate it. Any changes you then make will affect that prepset, unless you later select the No prepset item before switching to a different prepset.

Rewind. Button. Go back to the beginning of the shot.

Back Key. Button. Go back to the previous frame with a ROI or Color key.

Back Frame. image Button. Go back one frame; with Control down, back one key; with Shift down, back to the beginning of the shot. Auto-repeats.

Frame. Spinner. The frame to be displayed in the viewport, and to set keys for. Note that the image does not update while the spinner drags because that would require fetching all the intermediate frames from disk, which is largely what we’re trying to avoid.


Forward Frame. image Button. Go forward one frame; with Control down, forward one key; with Shift down, forward to the end of the shot. Auto-repeats.

Forward Key. Button. Go forward to the next frame with a ROI or Color key.

To End. Button. Go to the end of the shot.

Make Keys. Checkbox. When off, any changes to the Color or region of interest create keys at frame zero (for when they are not animated). With the checkbox on, keys are created at the current frame.

Enable. image Button (stoplight). Allows you to temporarily disable color, blur, downsampling, channels, and ROI, but not padding or distortion. Use to find a lost ROI, for example. Effective only within image prep.

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