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Preparation Mode
Truncate. Button. Affected trackers are shut down in the interior of any hold region.
Make Far. Button. Affected trackers are converted to Far, and shut down outside the hold region, plus the specified overlap.
Clone to Far. Button. Default. Affected trackers are cloned, and the clone converted to Far with a reduced range as in Make Far.
Convert Some. Button. A specified percentage of trackers is randomly selected and converted to Far.
Percentage. Spinner. The percentage of trackers converted in Convert Some mode.
Affected Trackers
Selected. Button. Only selected trackers are affected by the operation.
All. Button. All trackers are affected. (In both options, only automatic, non-far, trackers are considered).
Transitions Considered
Nearest Current Frame. Button. Only the trackers crossing the transition nearest to the current frame (within 10 frames) are considered.
All Transitions. Button. Operation is applied across all hold regions.
Combine Cloned Fars. Checkbox. When off (default), a separate cloned far tracker is created for each hold region. When on, only a single Far tracker is produced, combining far trackers from all hold regions.
Minimum Length. Spinner. Prevents the creation of tracker fragments smaller than this threshold. Default=6.
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