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Recovering Crash Dumps
Dump files can be packaged up and sent to BorisFX support along with a step- by-step description of what you were doing immediately before the crash. If the file is more than 5 MB or so, please use Dropbox etc.
Windows : Crash dump files for the last 3 crashes can be retrieved by opening SynthEyes and selecting the File/User Data Folder menu item. Go UP two levels to the AppData folder, then DOWN into the Local, SynthEyes, and CrashDumps folders, in that order.
macOS : When the Mac crash dialog appears, click the See Report button. Then command-A and command-C to copy all of the report onto the clipboard. Paste it into the email message.
Linux : The location or existence of the core dump file depends on your particular system and its settings. You can package up core dumps if you can generate them.
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