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Remove f/Trkers. Button. Undoes the effect of the selected operations, to get coordinates that are closer to, or correspond directly to, the original image. Use to remove the effect of earlier operations from tracking data before changing the image preprocessor setup, to avoid retracking.
Region of Interest (ROI)
Hor. Ctr., Ver. Ctr. Spinners. These are the horizontal and vertical center position of the region of interest, ranging from -1 to +1. These tracks are animated, and keys will be set when the Make Keys checkbox is on. Normally set by dragging in the view window. A smaller ROI will require less RAM, allowing more frames to be stored for real-time playback. Use right-click to delete a key, shift-right-click to truncate keys past the current frame, and control-right-click to kill all keys.
Half Width, Half Height . Spinners. The width and height of the region of interest, where 0 is completely skinny, and 1 is the entire width or height. They are called Half Width and Height because with the center at 0, a width of 1 goes from -1 to +1 in U,V coordinates. Use Control-Drag in the viewport to change the width and height. Keyed simultaneously with the center positions. Use right-click to delete a key, shift-right-click to truncate keys past the current frame, and control-right-click to kill all keys.
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