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Removing the Rig To Update Tracking
If you've created a stabilization rig, but need to go back and work on the tracking or stabilization some more, you can run the Stabilization Removal script. It will
Restores from the Stabilizing preset created with the stabilization rig (and disconnects from it so that subsequent changes won't affect it);
Removes the effect of stabilization from the trackers;
Restores the camera to its original wiggly state, if it isn't stationary;
Restores the solved field of view to the original wider field of view;
Turns off stabilization and clears the adjust channels;
Deletes the screen and screen holder object.
If you'd previously run the Lens Workflow script, you'll see the post-lens- workflow results now. You can run the Lens Workflow script with the "Undo earlier run" option if desired.
If you need to do things a little differently, you can do the same things manually.
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