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right-click to change the color back to its preference setting.
Mouse Modes
The mouse mode buttons at the bottom center control what the mouse buttons do in the canvas area. Common operations shared by all modes:
Middle-mouse pan,
Middle-scroll to change the current frame and pan if needed.
Shift-middle-scroll to zoom the time axis
Right-drag to zoom or pan the time axis (like the main timebar)
Right-click to bring up the canvas menu .
Double-left-click a number in the Number Zone to bring up the dialog to change the value, if it is changable.
Select Keys.
. The shared operations at top plus:
Left-click a key to select it,
Left-drag a box to select all the keys in the box,
Shift-left-click or –drag to add to the selected key set,
Control-left-click or –drag to remove from the selected key set.
Set Value.
. The shared operations at top plus:
Left-click a key to select it,
Left-drag a box (starting in empty space) to select all the keys in the box,
Shift-left-click or –drag to add to the selected key set,
Control-left-click or –drag to remove from the selected key set.
Left-drag a key or selected keys vertically to change their values.
Double-click a key or selected keys to bring up the Set Key Values dialog and set or offset their values numerically.
Re-time Keys.
. The shared operations at top plus:
Left-click a key to select it,
Left-drag a box to select all the keys in the box,
Left-drag selected keys to re-time them (shift them in time),
Control-left-drag to clone the select keys and drag them to a new frame,
Alt-left-drag to include keys on all tracks sharing keys with the selected ones.
Double-click keys to bring up the Set Key Values dialog.
Add Keys.
. The shared operations at top plus:
Left-click a key to select it,
Shift-left-click on a key to add to the selected key set.
Control-left-click on a key to remove it from the selected key set.
Left-click on a curve to add a key at that location.
Left-drag a box in empty-space to add keys at all possible key locations within the box. The value will be determined by interpolating the existing curve at the time the key is added.
Double-click keys to bring up the Set Key Values dialog.
Delete Keys.
. The shared operations at top plus:
Left-click a key to delete it,
Left-drag a region, all keys inside that can be deleted will be deleted.
. The shared operations at top plus:
Left-click a curve or key to fix a glitch by averaging, or by truncating if it is the beginning or end of the curve. Warning : do not try to deglitch the first frame of a velocity curve—it is the second frame of the actual data. Turn on the position curve instead.
Control-left-drag to isolate on the curve under the mouse cursor. (Temporarily enters isolate mode.)
. Intended to be used when all trackers are selected and displayed. The shared operations at top plus:
Left-click or -drag on a curve or key to isolate only that tracker, by selecting it and unselecting all the others. Keep the left mouse button down and roam around to quickly look at different tracker curves.
Right-click on the isolate button at any time selects all the trackers, even if isolate mode is not active.
. The shared operations at top (except as noted) plus:
Left-drag an area then release; then channel zooms and offsets are changed to display only the dragged region. Simulates zooming the canvas, but it is the zoom and pan of the individual channels that is changing.
Right-click on the zoom button resets the pans and zooms—even if the zoom button is not active.
©2025 Boris FX, Inc. — UNOFFICIAL — Converted from original PDF.