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Seed & Lock Group
X, Y, Z. Buttons. Multi-choice buttons flip between X, X+, X-; Y, Y+, Y-; and Z, Z+,Z- respectively. These buttons control which possible coordinate-system solution is selected when there are several possibilities and can be set for any tracker, ie if X+ is selected, then only solutions where X is positive will be allowed. If the tracker has a target and constraints, then the polarity refers to the difference between this tracker and the target, for example with X+, this tracker's X coordinate must be greater than the target's X coordinate (ie the difference must be positive).
X, Y, Z. Spinners. An initial position used as a guess at the start of solving (if seed checkbox on), and/or a position to which the tracker is locked, depending on the Lock Type list.
Seed. Mode button. When on, the X/Y/Z location will be used to help estimate camera/object position at the start of solving, if Points seeding mode is selected.
+/- Nudge Tool. Spinner. Adjusting this spinner moves the seed/lock points of all selected trackers closer or further from the camera. Right-clicking the spinner will snap each tracker's seed onto the line of sight through the tracker's 2D location on the current frame. (This works for Far trackers also, which can be handy for setting up tripod coordinate systems.) Use control-drag for fine tuning, or adjust the Nudge Sensitivity preference.
Peg. Mode button. If on, and the Solver panel’s Constrain checkbox is on, the tracker will be pegged exactly, as selected by the Lock Type. Otherwise, the solver may modify the constraints to minimize overall error. See documentation for details and limitations.
Far. Mode button. Turn on if the tracker is far from the camera. Example: If the camera moved 10 feet during the shot, turn on for any point 10,000 feet or more away. Far points are on the horizon, and their distance can not be estimated. This button states your wish, SynthEyes may solve a tracker as far anyway, if it is determined to have too little perspective.
Lock Type . Drop-down list. Has no effect if Unconstrained. The other settings tell SynthEyes to force one or more tracker position coordinates to 0 or the corresponding seed axis value. Use to lock the tracker to the origin, the floor, a wall, a known measured position, etc. See the section on Lock Mode Details. If you select several trackers, some with targets, some without, this list will be empty—right-click the Target Point button to clear it.
Target Point. Button. Use to set up links between trackers. Select one tracker, click the Target Point button to select the target tracker by name. Or, ALT-click (Mac: Command-Left-Click) the target tracker in the camera view or 3-D viewport. If the trackers are on the same camera/object, the Distance spinner activates to control the desired distance between the trackers. If you ALT-shift-click, the distance constraint will be immediately set to the current distance between the trackers.
You can also lock one or more of their coordinates to be identical, forcing them parallel to the same axis or plane. If the trackers are on different camera/objects, you have created a link: the two trackers will be forced to the same location during solving. If two trackers track the same feature, but one tracker is on a DV shot, the other on digital camera stills, use the link to make them have the same location. Right-click to remove an existing target tracker.
Dist. Spinner. Sets the desired distance between two trackers on the same object.
Solved. X, Y, Z numbers. After solving, the final tracker location.
Error. Number. After solving, the root-mean-square error between this tracker’s predicted and actual positions. If the error exceeds 1 pixel, look for tracking problems using the Tracker Graph window.
[FAR]. This will show up after the error value, if the tracker has been solved as far.
Set Seed. Button. After solving, sets the computed location up as the seed location for later solver passes using Points mode.
All. Button. Sets up all solved trackers as seeds for subsequent passes.
Exportable. Checkbox. Uncheck this box to tell savvy export scripts not to export this tracker. For example, exporting to a compositor, you may want only a half dozen of a hundred or two automatically-generated trackers to be exported and create a new layer in the compositor. Non-exportable points are shown in a different color, somewhat closer to that of the background. See also the Exportable checkbox on the 3-D Panel, which operates not only on trackers, but cameras, objects, meshes, and lights as well.
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