Sending 2D Tracking Data to Fusion

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Sending 2D Tracking Data to Fusion

You may find it more convenient to do some tracking tasks in SynthEyes, and send the resulting tracking data to Fusion in the form of Fusion Tracker nodes for adding various 2D effects in Fusion. You can do that with two scripts, Many Tracker Nodes and Shared Tracker Node. Both scripts send either the 2-D or re-projected 3-D tracking information of all currently-selected SynthEyes trackers onto the clipboard as 2- D tracking nodes, for pasting into Fusion.

Tip: The advantage of sending re-projected 3-D tracking information is that it is valid on all frames, not just on frames where the feature is visible. And, the re-projected data generally has less random position noise because it is an average over the entire solved scene.

The Many Tracker nodes script produces one Tracker Node for each selected tracker. The Shared Tracker Node script produces one Tracker node containing all selected trackers. There are only a few Timeline setup controls, documented in the Fusion Comp controls.

Important notes:

These scripts are found on the Script/Fusion sub-menu, not File/Export! They produce no named output file, and therefore are not exporters.

Trackers are created as “suspended” within Fusion and are intended to be used as-is. While basic static size and search information is transferred, if you start re-tracking in Fusion you are will obtain different results. We recommend completing the tracking in SynthEyes and re-transferring if necessary.

Limit exports to a few tens of trackers; fewer for long shots. Fusion uses an inefficient scheme to store tracking data, and with many trackers it will take a substantial time to generate the clipboard data, it will be very large, Fusion will take a long time to read it, and Fusion will redraw very slowly.

If for some reason you wish to save the produced data, either paste it into your favorite text editor and save that file, or look at the script_output.txt file in your File/User Data Folder (before running any other script).

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