Shared Controls

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Shared Controls

OK. Button. Closes the image preprocessor dialog and flushes no-longer-valid frames the RAM buffer to make way for the new version of the shot images. You can use SynthEyes’s main undo button to undo all the effects of the Image Preprocessor dialog as a unit, or then redo them if desired.

Cancel. Button. Undoes the changes made using the image preprocessor dialog, then closes it.

Undo. image Button. Undo the latest change made using the image preprocessor panel. You cannot undo changes made before the panel was opened with this button+.

Redo. image Button. Redo the last change undone.

Add (checkline). Button. When on, drag in the view to create checklines.

Delete (checkline). Button. Delete the selected checkline.

Final/Padded. Button. Reads either Final or Padded: the two display modes of the viewport. The final view shows the final image coming from the image preprocessor subsection. The padded view shows the image after padding and lens undistortion, but before stabilization or resampling.

Both. Button. Reads either Both, Neither, or ImgPrep, indicating whether the image prep and/or main SynthEyes display window are updated simultaneously as you change the image prep controls. Neither mode saves time if you do not need to see what you are doing. Both mode allows you to show the Padded view and Final view (in the main camera view) simultaneously.

Margin. Spinner. Creates an extra off-screen border around the image in the image prep view. Makes it easier to see and understand what the stabilizer is doing, in particular.

Show. Button. When enabled, trackers are shown in the image prep view.

Image Prep View. Central image display. Shows either the final image produced by the image prep subsystem (Final mode), or the image obtained after padding the image and undistorting it (Padded mode). You can drag the Region-of-interest (ROI) and Point-of-interest (POI) around, plus you can click to select trackers, or lasso-select by dragging. Control-middle-mouse scrubs the timeline.

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