Skip-Frame Track

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Skip-Frame Track

The Features panel contains a skip-frame checkbox that causes a particular frame to be ignored for automatic tracking and solving. Check it if the frame is subject to a short-duration extreme motion blur (camera bump), an explosion or strobe light, or if an actor suddenly blocks the camera.

The skip-frames checkbox must be applied to each individual frame to be skipped. You should not skip more than 2-3 frames in a row, or too many frames

overall, or you can make it more difficult to determine a camera solution, or at least create a temporary slide.

You should set up the skip-frames track before autotracking. There is some support for changing the skipped frames after blipping and before linking, but this is not recommended; you may have to rerun the auto-tracking step.

©2025 Boris FX, Inc. — UNOFFICIAL — Converted from original PDF.