Somebody changed the project/batch/clip/… name

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Somebody changed the project/batch/clip/… name

If you’re in the middle of working on a shot in Flame and SynthEyes and someone changes a name, those file and folder names will no longer match up, and you may not be able to send or receive from SynthEyes properly.

Depending on the situation, you may be able to use the “ Direct a .sni file to a different Flame…” procedure; that will nearly always be easiest.

But that may not be enough, hHere’s what might need to be adjusted. You’ll need to decide what changes need to be made based on the specifics of what changed and what your file structure tags are.

You should rename the various levels of the folder structure to reflect the new names. For example, if you have a <BATGRP> tag and the batch group name changed from Take3 to TakeSunny, you’ll need to adjust each folder name to match that.

Inside the folder where the .syflame and .sni file, you’ll find a variety of files with variations on that name. You’ll need to adjust those filenames based on the component name(s) that changed.

You should now be able to open the SynthEyes .sni file --- do that from SynthEyes directly, not via Flame.

As you open, address any missing file popups, especially for the shot itself; give it the new location. Any texture file locations may need to be updated, or imported meshes located in the project’s folder.

Use File/File Info to check the filenames, aside from the exporter filename they should be OK; re-set any that aren’t.

Run File/Export/Flame 2025+ ( not using Shift-X) and reset the export file location to the correct path and filename. Let the export run to completion.

Now you can run ‘Receive from SynthEyes’ in Flame, and you should be good to go.

Moral of the story: it’s never a good idea to change any of these names.

©2025 Boris FX, Inc. — UNOFFICIAL — Converted from original PDF.