Source Frame Timing Modes

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Source Frame Timing Modes

ViewShift needs to answer the question: what frames should we generate a result for, and which frame from the source shot should be used for each frame of the output shot (as seen in the Viewing Camera). To be able to handle a variety of scenarios, there are a number of possible answers with a range of complexity, as controlled by the Source mode selector.

Note : ViewShift shifts pixels from a single source frame to the destination: it does not mix pixels from different frames, which can result in banding (as sometimes seen in static texture extraction).

In common to all of the modes, there are two Start Frame and End Frame fields, one for the Viewing shot and one for the Source. Each has a checkbox for Limited output (source) frames, and two buttons to set the Start and End frames.

If the Limited output frames checkbox is off, then output will be generated for the entire length of the output shot. If the checkbox is on, then output will be generated only from the Start Frame to the End Frame (inclusive). Clicking the Set Start Frame or Set End Frame button will set that value from the current frame of the shot, as well as turn on the Limited output frames checkbox.

The Limited source frames checkbox and controls work similarly, except that the values are only the range of frames that might be used, as determined by the source mode, rather than an absolute statement or requirement that they be used.

Here are all the Source modes:







Same direction

Disjoint leading

Disjoint following

We'll discuss most of the modes in the following sub-sections, but we'll leave the Disjoint modes for a later section, after introducing some more preliminaries about how to control ViewShift.


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